Military Policy
October 24th, 2023
Nighttime - Hamas rockets aimed at Israel
New documentation released by the Israel Defense Forces shows more of the barbarism practiced by Hamas terrorists inside the Gaza Strip.
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October 20th, 2023
Palestinian woman infant son candle light
On ” 60 Minutes” last Sunday, President Biden said he thinks it would be a “mistake … for Israel to occupy … Gaza again.” He also conceded that eliminating Hamas and Hezbollah in Lebanon “is a necessary requirement.”
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October 13th, 2023
Major Jace Yarbrough US Space Force
Major Jace Yarbrough is facing backlash from the Air Force for quoting Christian Soviet dissident Alexander Solzhenitsyn at a military retirement ceremony.
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August 31st, 2023
Military Recruits hear Instruction
Lions Led by Donkeys The 248-year-old institution that this country depends upon to fight and win our wars has lost its focus, which is, “to win our nation’s wars.”
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August 31st, 2023
soldier saluting giant us flag
The ongoing debate over the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for 2024 has revealed inconvenient truths that voters should know.
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July 28th, 2023
First Liberty Senior Counsel Danielle Runyan
  At a hearing this week, Senior Counsel Danielle Runyan brought attention to our Navy SEAL clients and thousands of service members who were horribly mistreated for requesting religious accommodations to the military vaccine mandate.
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July 18th, 2023
us-army military in full gear
Politicize defense? Never! There has been a highly political battle on Capitol Hill — actually, that’s the only kind of battle they have on Capitol Hill — over defense policy and spending.  
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July 7th, 2023
FLI Navy Seals Case
In a 2-1 decision, the United States Court of Appeals for the Fifth Circuit issued an opinion…  
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June 28th, 2023
soldiers in fatigues place flags on graves
June has been set aside to promote awareness of a major issue facing a demographic that is struggling and minimally supported. No, I’m not talking about Pride. I’m talking about PTSD, which is especially acute among veterans, military service members, and first responders, and which is only part of the greater mental health crisis that our nation is facing.
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June 8th, 2023
Whistleblower, David Charles Grusch
In a Debrief exclusive, Ralph Blumenthal and Leslie Kean report that a former official says the U.S. has retrieved craft of non-human origin.
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