Military Policy
October 5th, 2022
TV screen-shot of N Korean missle launch
By: The Editorial Board – – October 4, 2022 The missile test was the 23rd this year, the highest annual pace ever. It follows a threat to respond to the recent resumption of U.S.-South Korea military drills. Tuesday’s launch was also the longest to date at more than 2,800 miles, a reminder that North Korean missiles have the range...
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September 23rd, 2022
Navy Seal - DOD seal
Pentagon Threatens to Punish Navy SEALs for Refusing to Violate their Faith
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August 26th, 2022
filthy toilet in military barracks
Service members in the U.S. Navy are facing terrible living conditions and are, in some cases, unable to leave the military as their religious objections to the COVID vaccine are stalled in the courts.
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August 26th, 2022
Navy Seal - DOD seal
A new court document reveals a top Navy Admiral said he knew of no cases where COVID-19 had adversely impacted operations, despite requiring SEALs to be vaccinated, even with religious objections.
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August 18th, 2022
Volodymyr Zelenskyy President of Ukraine
When Russia attacked Ukraine, “experts” said the country would fall within days. It hasn’t. One reason is that the Russian military wasn’t as effective as people thought. Another is that Ukrainians surprised the world by courageously defending their country.  
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June 16th, 2022
Air Force Service Members - First Liberty
This week, First Liberty filed a federal lawsuit seeking a temporary restraining order on behalf of several Air Force service members, who were being punished because they requested a legal, religious accommodation to the military vaccine mandate.
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April 28th, 2022
Vladimir Putin profile
Vladimir Putin has warned he will use nuclear weapons against the West if anyone interferes in Ukraine.
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April 20th, 2022
Russian Missiles
By: Robert C. O’Brien – – April 19, 2022 The idea that in 2022, a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council would use nuclear weapons to conquer a neighboring country is unthinkable. Yet here we are. For months, Russian officials and commentators have been rattling their nuclear saber and touting Moscow’s doctrine of “escalating to de-escalate”—in other...
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April 11th, 2022
Ukrainian man mourns over body
War crimes, plain and simple. And horrific. Read it, if you can bear it.
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April 1st, 2022
Ukranian Refugees Fleeing
Independent reporter Kassy Dillon traveled to Ukraine earlier this month to see firsthand the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war that has displaced millions and sparked a flood of refugees into western Europe.
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