Military Policy
April 28th, 2022
Vladimir Putin profile
Vladimir Putin has warned he will use nuclear weapons against the West if anyone interferes in Ukraine.
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April 20th, 2022
Russian Missiles
By: Robert C. O’Brien – – April 19, 2022 The idea that in 2022, a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council would use nuclear weapons to conquer a neighboring country is unthinkable. Yet here we are. For months, Russian officials and commentators have been rattling their nuclear saber and touting Moscow’s doctrine of “escalating to de-escalate”—in other...
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April 11th, 2022
Ukrainian man mourns over body
War crimes, plain and simple. And horrific. Read it, if you can bear it.
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April 1st, 2022
Ukranian Refugees Fleeing
Independent reporter Kassy Dillon traveled to Ukraine earlier this month to see firsthand the impact of the Russia-Ukraine war that has displaced millions and sparked a flood of refugees into western Europe.
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April 1st, 2022
Sign - Putin, Stalin, Hitler
Get ready for Putin’s Great Purge of 2022. It won’t be as fierce as Stalin’s in 1937 when 680,000 were executed, 116,000 sent to the gulag, and thousands committed suicide.
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March 29th, 2022
rendering of globe bombs falling
By Jakub Grygiel – – March 28, 2022 Over the past three decades these regional orders—in Europe, the Middle East and Asia—have been relatively stable and the local competitions subdued. The resulting impression was of a world order. Liberals saw this global stability as the product of international rules, a growing number of democracies, and greater international trade—a “rules-based order”...
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March 21st, 2022
Army Paratrooper readies weapons
By: Jerry Hendrix – – March 17, 2022 How to correct decades of strategically unserious underspending For 30 years the United States has been fundamentally unserious about its national-security strategy, which was predicated on the assumptions that it had entered Immanuel Kant’s era of “perpetual peace,” that the nation was the lone superpower, and that it would remain so...
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March 21st, 2022
Putin speaks at concert
By: Kevin D. Williams – – March 20, 2022 The lesson of the hour: Unfree societies are weak. The allure of strongman nationalist government — Vladimir Putin’s Russia, Xi Jinping’s China, Viktor Orbán’s Hungary, the America that Donald Trump and his acolytes dream of — has always been the promise of power. You can take the word of the...
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March 18th, 2022
Volodymyr Zelenskyy President of Ukraine
We should not rehash the past but learn from it — and thereby ensure Putin is defeated now and deterred in the future.
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March 14th, 2022
U.S. Army Paratroopers assigned to Third Brigade Combat, 82nd Airborne Division
By: Kevin D. Williamson – – March 11, 2022 About the war in Ukraine: Is the United States a belligerent? The Russians think so. Kremlin spokesreptile Dmitry Peskov says that the United States “definitely has declared economic war against Russia” and promises that the Russian response will be . . . something. We should assume that in this if nothing else the...
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