May 23rd, 2024
There is a trait noticeable about many atheists, besides the obvious one that they don’t believe in God. This is that they hate God or the idea of God.  
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September 4th, 2023
Marble statue - God?
For many centuries before the modern era, most Western thinkers believed that God is the best explanation for moral truth.
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July 11th, 2023
Spiritual Battle
Again, this is a reminder that our battle is ultimately more spiritual than intellectual and that it is only the Lord who can open the hearts and minds of those who are blinded and deceived.
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February 23rd, 2023
Robot - AI - playing piano
If we knew our existence would span millennia, would we be able to cherish each day or try as hard as we do now to leave something behind? Would voices from history still offer urgent advice…
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June 7th, 2022
Virtual Reality goggles Misty reality
In 1974, long before virtual reality (VR) was even a “twinkle in the eye” of most technology researchers, philosopher Robert Nozick introduced a thought experiment called the Experience Machine to illustrate the inadequacy of the philosophy of experiential hedonism.
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May 11th, 2022
northern lights
By: Paul M. Guild – – 2022 When it comes to developing a rich theology of beauty, it is helpful to distinguish, as Junius Johnson does, between Beauty itself, beautiful things, and the experience of beauty. When it comes to Beauty itself, the referent is God: God is beautiful. Creaturely beings and creaturely states of affairs are beautiful things;...
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January 19th, 2022
So what kind of a story can we tell to explain how the loving God of Christianity might allow the degree of suffering and evil that we see in this world? The details vary, but most Christians who offer a defense agree that human freedom must feature heavily in any such story—that is, most defenses are versions of the free...
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