March 3rd, 2023
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Here’s a quote from Department of Commerce Secretary Gina Raimondo that should make any business considering taking federal subsidies rethink that decision.
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March 3rd, 2023
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It’s not just the United States that’s being pulled (or is it pushed?) to the left. It’s happening throughout the Western Hemisphere.
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March 2nd, 2023
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Are we seeing the gradual demise of the five-day workweek and school week? More importantly, if that change occurs, will it be by choice or government mandate?
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March 2nd, 2023
Sen. Fetterman
What is going on at Sen. John Fetterman’s (D-PA) office? I ask because the senator, who hospitalized and under medical observation, is apparently joining legislative efforts and co-signing legislation. Someone the people of Pennsylvania didn’t elect is acting in Fetterman’s capacity.  
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March 2nd, 2023
US Vice Presidents VPs
There is a general recognition among political pundits that some people who enter a presidential race, recognizing their longshot candidacies, are really aiming to enhance their chances of becoming the primary winner’s vice-presidential running mate.
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March 2nd, 2023
Students protest student loan debt
By: Charles C. W. Cooke – nationalreview.com – March 1, 2023 The paper’s editors claim that while Biden’s student-loan-forgiveness scheme is illegal, SCOTUS is powerless to stop him. So where’s their outrage? The Washington Post’s editorial board has concluded that, while President Biden’s student-loan-forgiveness order is flatly illegal, the Supreme Court should let it go into effect anyway, because the...
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March 2nd, 2023
Homeless amputee sleeps on a park bench
Do Democrats think Portland isn’t screwed up enough and throwing free money at it will solve things?
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March 2nd, 2023
Sens. Joe Manchin & Jon Tester
Two Democratic senators voted with the GOP on a measure to roll back a Labor Department rule in what is set to force President Joe Biden’s first use of executive veto power.
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March 2nd, 2023
Biden signing bills into laws
By: The Editorial Board – wsj.com – February 27, 2023 President Biden is leading an unprecedented expansion of the administrative state. In two years his Administration has imposed 517 regulatory actions with some $318 billion in total costs. By the same point in his Administration, President Obama had imposed 740 comparable rules with a cost of $208 billion. Across four...
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March 2nd, 2023
innovation race movie
Innovation Race explores these critical issues impacting all Americans and proposes solutions for how we can restore US dominance in invention, technology, and innovation.
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