January 20th, 2023
President Trump fist pumps
Just days before Donald Trump hosts his first 2024 event in South Carolina, a state whose evangelical population has long played a critical role in its presidential primary, the former president is lashing out at religious conservatives who have declined to endorse his third presidential campaign.
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January 20th, 2023
Doublespeak Arrows-smaller-visual
In the latest example of pro-abortion doublespeak, Rep. Jerrold Nadler stated that a proposed bill requiring hospital care for babies who survive abortion is “dangerous.” Seriously? Mandating hospital care could be dangerous for the baby? And should we be skeptical of Rep. Nadler’s genuine concern for this baby, since he would have fully supported the mother’s attempt to abort this...
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January 20th, 2023
M1 Tanks in Ukraine
By: The Editorial Board – wsj.com – January 18, 2023 Western governments are applauding themselves for helping Ukraine resist Russia’s invasion, and some credit is certainly due. But as the war’s first anniversary looms, so does a new moment of decision: Will the U.S. and Europe let the war grind on as a brutal stalemate, or will they provide enough...
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January 20th, 2023
IPI logo square
Could a Democrat, understandably concerned that a Biden 2024 reelection bid would be disastrous for the Democratic Party (not to mention the country and the economy), have leaked President Biden’s “filegate” scandal to the media?
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January 19th, 2023
San Francisco Golden Gate Bridge - arial view
San Francisco shows why racial reparations is a terrible idea. If one considers the taxpayers of San Francisco, who will actually foot the bill for this, the case for saddling them with financial responsibility for American slavery — or even more recent injustices — becomes even more ridiculous.
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January 19th, 2023
people celebrate overturning Roe
This year, the March for Life will take place, for the first time, in an America where Roe v. Wade is no longer the law of the land.
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January 18th, 2023
Biden's Safer America Plan
By declaring that Americans would and should have no hope against a tyrannical government, President Biden disavows a central premise of our nation’s Founding.
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January 18th, 2023
Biden - raised eyebrows
President Joe Biden’s Labor Department recently announced a new rule that will permit money managers to play politics with trillions of dollars of people’s retirement savings.
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January 18th, 2023
National Debt clock - Jan 17, 2023
By: Jeb Hensarling – wsj.com – January 17, 2023 Over the past 50 years there have been numerous congressional efforts to reduce budget deficits. Most clearly failed, although some, such as the Clinton-Gingrich agreement of 1997 and the Budget Control Act of 2011, achieved noteworthy savings in their day. Even successful agreements had only marginal effects on long-term national debt. Why? Because...
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January 17th, 2023
#revolution on a piece of cardboard
For all Joe Biden’s talk about “semi-fascist” and “un-American,” “ultra-MAGA” Republicans, it is the Democratic Party that has far more radically changed. It is descended into a woke, neo-socialist, radically green party…
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