Public Policy
December 23rd, 2022
hundreds of illegal immigrants line up at border soldiers monitor
By: The Editorial Board – – December 21, 2022 Democrats’ approach to the border crisis has been to minimize it—except when it burdens the cities they run. That explains the small mountain of money set aside for New York and other progressive sanctuaries in Congress’s omnibus spending bill. Awards will supposedly be determined through a competitive process, but Mr....
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December 22nd, 2022
US map with severe weather patterns
At least five people have been killed, as a treacherous ‘once-in-a-generation’ winter system pummels central and eastern parts of the US and at least six states of emergency called.
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December 14th, 2022
Joe & Jill Biden hug Hunter
Apparently, the only thing as strong as the get-Trump attitude of the deep state is the protect-Biden stance of the federal government.
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December 14th, 2022
Twitter logo in a gilded US Eagle topped cage
By: Philip Hamburger – – December 13, 2022 Will there be legal consequences for government officials, for the companies, or for their personnel who cooperate in the gov-tech censorship of dissent on Covid-19, election irregularities or other matters? Cooperation between government officials and private parties to suppress speech could be considered a criminal conspiracy to violate civil rights. The...
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December 9th, 2022
IPI logo square
Surprise! The government’s Covid assistance to businesses and the unemployed became one big fraud-fest. But we’ve known that for some time. Now, NBC is reporting that the feds are acknowledging that even foreign countries got in on the scam—including China.
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December 2nd, 2022
Cuban Cost Plus prices
Few U.S. industries are in greater need of innovative disruption than the health care system. And it looks like billionaire entrepreneur Mark Cuban may be just the disrupter to do it.
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December 2nd, 2022
First, you would surrender our prior energy independence… Second, print trillions of dollars in the new currency as the end of the lockdown,…
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November 21st, 2022
Attorney General Merrick Garland
What do you suppose the chances are that Merrick Garland, Joe Biden’s attorney general and chief enforcer, is a student of Søren Kierkegaard? Pretty slim, I’d wager. But his announcement yesterday…
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November 3rd, 2022
I don’t believe we have ever seen a president so willing to make policy completely and utterly subservient to politics. In the Biden administration, politics dictates policy.
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October 18th, 2022
illegal immigrants step on stones to cross Rio Grande
The White House pressured the Democratic mayor of El Paso, Texas, to not declare a state of emergency over the city’s migrant crisis due to fear it would make President Biden look bad.
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