June 13th, 2023
Watching The View on Mute
Last week, GOP Senator and presidential candidate Tim Scott went onto the ABC show called “The View.” I did find it rather interesting that one Joy Behar was not in attendance for his appearance.
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June 9th, 2023
Sunny Hostin - The View
When George W. Bush was running for president in 2000, he spoke to the NAACP’s 91st annual convention where he coined the phrase “the soft bigotry of low expectations.”
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June 1st, 2023
Peter Thiel wins on award from The New Criterion
Peter Thiel on multiculturalism as misdirection.
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May 24th, 2023
LA Dodgers Team at Dodgers Stadium
By: The Editors – nationalreview.com – May 24, 2023 When businesses celebrate various identity groups among their customers and employees, it can easily descend into cloying and opportunistic pandering. But it is mostly harmless, in the way that drinking green beer on St. Patrick’s Day or wearing plastic sombreros on Cinco de Mayo is harmless. Nobody is forced to participate,...
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May 22nd, 2023
Elon Musk profile - San Francisco
By Alan M. Dershowitz – wsj.com – May 21, 2023 Elon Musk has been accused of anti-Semitism because of his criticism and mockery of George Soros. Mr. Soros is Jewish; Mr. Musk isn’t. But Mr. Musk stands falsely accused. Mr. Soros is an active participant in politics, and his Jewishness shouldn’t shield him from criticism. Further, no single person has...
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May 11th, 2023
2 doctors talking
Whatever you had planned to do for the rest of the day, please drop it and read this right now: Heather Mac Donald’s new book, “When Race Trumps Merit: How the Pursuit of Equity Sacrifices Excellence, Destroys Beauty, and Threatens Lives.”
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March 16th, 2023
BLM protests fire & smoke
Silicon Valley Bank (SVB), whose collapse last week has triggered a global banking crisis, donated over $73 million to the BLM movement.  
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March 15th, 2023
Actors perform a scene from William Shakepeare's Henry VIII at Globe Theatre, London
By: Rich Lowry – nationalreview.com – March 14, 2023 Shakespeare has long been dismissed, with others in the Western canon, as a dead white male. Now, there’s another, worse charge against the Bard — he created the concept of whiteness. Yes, instead of standing in the line of such literary giants as Dante, Chaucer, and Goethe, Shakespeare is to be...
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February 3rd, 2023
Man competing as a woman - swimming event
Caucasian conservatives are ‘stoking gender panic.’
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February 2nd, 2023
Police & EMT clean up crime scene
Recently an unarmed 29-year-old African American, Tyre Nichols, was brutally beaten to death by five Black Memphis police officers. They were charged with murder. All belonged to a special crime unit known as the Scorpions.
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