August 22nd, 2024
Open Bible, US Flag, wooden Cross
Over the years 1934-1961, British historian Arnold Toynbee published his 12-volume “A Study of History.” Toynbee studied the rise and fall of 23 civilizations. His conclusion was that great civilizations die not from external causes but from internal causes.
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July 30th, 2024
A pastor reflects on his church closing, fertility inequality, declining economic prospects for lower income white America and more in this week’s roundup.
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May 20th, 2024
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May 14th, 2024
cartoon - elephant walking away from a church
By Ross Douthat – – May 10, 2024 A taxonomy of post-religious conservatisms. You’re reading the Ross Douthat newsletter, for Times subscribers only.  The columnist reflects on culture and politics, but mostly culture. Get it in your inbox. During the 2016 Republican campaign, watching Donald Trump shoulder his way past his more pious rivals for the nomination, I remarked on the...
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April 25th, 2024
DOJ - FBI Sheild on entrance
The U.S. Department of Justice’s Inspector General Michael Horowitz maintains that the FBI did not commit any wrongdoing or demonstrate hostility toward religion by circulating an internal document warning about connections between “racially or ethnically motivated violent extremists” and “radical-traditionalist Catholic ideology.”
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April 5th, 2024
a cross backlit by a cloud covered sun
We are a cut flowers civilization. And eventually, cut flowers die.
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February 21st, 2024
symbols of different religions
Actively listening to those with whom we disagree. Presenting and discussing beliefs respectfully. Equipping young people with the skills of listening and engaging respectfully. 
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January 28th, 2024
Empty church pews
28% of U.S. adults are religiously unaffiliated, describing themselves as atheists, agnostics or “nothing in particular” when asked about their religion.
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December 26th, 2023
Christian Christmas Celebration
Considering all the nations in the world and the dominating religions within those nations, Christianity is the most beneficial. When Christians are in the majority, it is good for everyone who resides here.
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November 30th, 2023
millennials standing - torsos
By: Jessica Grose – – November 25, 2023 You’re reading the Jessica Grose newsletter, for Times subscribers only. A journalist and novelist offers her perspective on the Americanfamily, culture, politics and the way we live now. When I wrote my series on why Americans are moving away from organized religion, I didn’t focus specifically on thoseunder 30, even though...
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