January 4th, 2021
Various religious leaders pray for Donald Trump
If there is any good to come from last weekend’s Christian-nationalist “Jericho March,” and other bizarre, angry, and sometimes-violent right-wing attacks on the 2020 presidential election, it’s that the scales may start to fall from the eyes of thoughtful American Evangelicals.
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December 17th, 2020
‘The Taking of Christ’ (1602) by Caravaggio.
By: Peter Thonemann – – November 1, 2019 Two decades before the birth of Jesus of Nazareth, the Roman poet Virgil ended his epic poem of Roman origins, the “Aeneid,” with an unforgettable image of violence. In the final lines of the poem, Aeneas, the founder of the Roman race, whose descendants are destined to rule over the peoples of the...
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October 2nd, 2020
Screen Shot Dianne Feinstein
A number of Democratic lawmakers and liberal media figures have attacked Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett for her Catholic beliefs. Source: Here’s A List Of Democrats Who Have Attacked Amy Coney Barrett For Her Faith | The Daily Caller
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June 18th, 2020
By: Cathleen Falsani – – April 24, 2019 Anthony Graffagnino describes himself spiritually as both frustrated and curious. A Pentecostal turned Unitarian, the 28-year-old Graffagnino said he’s had his fill with “stale and dead expressions of faith that I saw really doing nothing to better the people around me or the world around me.” Discovering the Christian mystical tradition through the work...
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June 18th, 2020
By: Cathleen Falsani – – April 24, 2019 Anthony Graffagnino describes himself spiritually as both frustrated and curious. A Pentecostal turned Unitarian, the 28-year-old Graffagnino said he’s had his fill with “stale and dead expressions of faith that I saw really doing nothing to better the people around me or the world around me.” Discovering the Christian mystical tradition through the work...
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February 14th, 2020
First Liberty logo w woman in a field
By: Lacey McNiel – – February 10, 2020 Today, First Liberty Institute filed a friend-of-the-court brief urging the Supreme Court of the United States to protect the right of religious schools to decide who teaches their faith in Our Lady of Guadalupe School v. Morrissey-Berru. “The Supreme Court ruled in a unanimous decision that the Constitution bars the government from...
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October 9th, 2019
former KS Gov - Ambassador-at-large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback
by Jeffrey Cimmino – – September 11, 2019 Ambassador-at-large for International Religious Freedom Sam Brownback said Christians are possibly facing the worst period of persecution in history and accused Western countries of failing to protect Christians because of a sense of guilt. “There is more persecution of Christians now, arguably, than any time in the history of world, and the Christian...
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October 8th, 2019
By: Tzvi Joffre – – October 8, 2019 The Syrian Observatory for Human Rights denied a report by Syrian state news agency SANA earlier on Monday evening claiming that Turkey had conducted airstrikes in Syria against the Syrian Democratic Forces. According to the SOHR, the airstrikes hit targets in Iraq.A White House official stated later on Monday night that...
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September 9th, 2019
pete-buttigieg-speaks at-afl-cio
By: Kevin D. Williamson – – September 8, 2019 Pete Buttigieg, like Elwood Blues, is on a mission from God — or so he seems to think. Penguins beware. Buttigieg has managed to make an impression on the impressionable by insisting that God must surely regard air pollution as, in the idiotic idiom of the time, “messed up.” The sin...
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September 9th, 2019
By Robert Knight – – August 31, 2019 Democrats can’t seem to figure out whether they want to use the government to drive Christianity underground or just replace the biblical version with fake Christianity. These aren’t mutually exclusive goals; either one brings America closer to a secular, socialist state whose unofficial religion is atheism. Democratic presidential contenders like former Vice President Joe...
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