Religious Liberty
May 31st, 2024
Today, First Liberty Institute sent a letter to the Carlsbad (CA) City Council urging them to revoke the recent order by the city manager that forbids police chaplain JC Cooper and fire chaplain Denny Cooper from concluding prayers at some events “in Jesus’ name.” The Coopers were told the prayers were a form of harassment. Source: Carlsbad, California Official Orders...
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May 31st, 2024
Jeff Mateer on First Liberty LIVE
In all the years in the fight for faith and freedom, there hasn’t been a week at First Liberty busier than last week!
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May 17th, 2024
First Liberty - Press-Release
Law firms urge NPS to grant permit for longstanding service in cemetery honoring fallen soldiers now denied due to new policy prohibiting “religious services.”  
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May 17th, 2024
First Liberty Press Release
Law firms urge NPS to grant permit for longstanding service in cemetery honoring fallen soldiers now denied due to new policy prohibiting “religious services.”  
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May 17th, 2024
First Liberty - Press-Release
By canceling HaYovel’s Israel Summit, Sonesta Hotel not only caved to terrorist threats but also violated federal and Tennessee state law.  
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May 14th, 2024
worship service at Glad Tidings Assembly of God in Darrington, WA
By: Robert P. George – – April 18, 2024 Why conscience requires protection The Supreme Court is taking religion seriously again. The past decade has yielded victory after victory for defenders of America’s historic tradition of embracing religion in public life and safeguarding religious freedom for citizens of all faiths and shades of belief. The Court has finally consigned...
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May 10th, 2024
Dads Place sign
Throughout history, churches have been a refuge of safety, a place of shelter for those for whom life has chased to the margins. But the municipal leadership of Bryan, Ohio, doesn’t seem to remember.
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May 2nd, 2024
First Liberty Press Release
Statement Regarding Kristen Clarke, Assistant Attorney General for Civil Rights Washington, D.C.—The following statement regarding Assistant Attorney General Kristen Clarke may be attributed to Hiram Sasser, executive general counsel for First Liberty Institute: The job of fairly enforcing […]
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May 2nd, 2024
FLI Kelly Shackelford - Election Rights
Hear from our President, CEO & Chief Counsel Kelly Shackelford on the importance of people of faith getting out to vote.
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April 26th, 2024
LifeWise Academy
LifeWise Academy is being attacked by both the anti-faith Freedom from Religion Foundation and the leftist media. First Liberty is standing with LifeWise so they can continue instilling key values like honesty, integrity, humility and sacrifice into the participating children.
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