February 20th, 2024
Caduceus with CENSORED stamps all over it - superimposed COVID virus
If there were any doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic exposed widespread corruption in America’s health care establishment, a federal lawsuit should put it to rest.
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February 15th, 2024
broken red cross over heart scan tape vaccine syringe
COVID-19 vaccines were supposed to help. Researchers—and government officials—are loath to admit that for some people, they actually hurt.
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February 9th, 2024
coal plant industrial smoke stacks belching smoke
The Environmental Protection Agency unveiled a sweeping regulatory action, curbing particulate matter emissions from industry sources such as manufacturing and energy.
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February 6th, 2024
4 pro trans teens
If basic biology or the Hippocratic oath won’t protect vulnerable teens from preying clinics, perhaps economic self-interest will.
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January 19th, 2024
sad child with measles
Last month, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia experienced a measles outbreak when several unvaccinated children contracted the disease. The city’s public health department issued an alert on Jan. 4:
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January 19th, 2024
IPI logo square
You probably heard that 2023 was the warmest year on record. For example: “NASA Analysis Confirms 2023 as Warmest Year on Record.” And here’s CNN, “2023 will officially be the hottest year on record, scientists report.”  
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December 20th, 2023
Christmas tree in shopping mall
People need to realize the Left is using the alleged “existential” threat of global warming to wage war against liberty, against the Western world’s (not China’s) economy, and against joy.
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November 29th, 2023
Blue Butterfly - Mimicry
“Humanity’s Biggest Challenges. Nature’s Proven Solutions,” reads the slogan for the Biomimicry Institute. By Melissa Cain Travis
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November 19th, 2023
MAID - medical aid in dying
With but a few keystrokes, (post-)modern technology’s search engines will spew out the reasons for the impending climate apocalypse, such as fossil fuels, agricultural practices, ad nauseum.
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November 10th, 2023
Nearly half of the states have passed legislation restricting or banning what’s referred to as “gender-affirming care” for minors. Most of those laws have been challenged in court,…
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