April 1st, 2024
Bill Maher on his show
Bill Maher has made some MSNBC-like tirades in recent weeks.
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March 22nd, 2024
A quartet of Texas sheriffs took aim at President Biden this week, telling The Post his laissez-faire border policies are creating a tragic tidal wave of smuggled drugs.
The Department of Justice recently announced that eBay has “agreed to pay $59 million and to enhance its compliance program to resolve allegations that it violated the Controlled Substances Act (CSA) in connection with thousands of pill presses and encapsulating machines that were sold through its website.
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March 21st, 2024
15 Days to Slow the Spread
Four years ago, government officials told us, “Stay home!” We have “15 days to slow the spread.” Days turned into months and then years, while officials chipped away at our freedoms.
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March 18th, 2024
San Francisco Bus Stop sign
By: Scott W. Atlas and Steve H. Hanke – – March 18, 2024 Mandatory lockdowns had almost no benefit—but did significant economic and health-related damage. The Covid health benefits of mandatory lockdowns were tiny. Lockdowns in the U.S. prevented between 4,000 and 16,000 Covid deaths. In an average year 37,000 Americans die from the flu, according to the Centers for...
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March 14th, 2024
graphic art by KOZ- white rabbit and Alice jump into rabbit hole amid climate disaster
By: Bjorn Lomborg – – March 13, 2024 More than one million people die in traffic accidents globally each year. Overnight, governments could solve this entirely man-made problem by reducing speed limits everywhere to 3 miles an hour, but we’d laugh any politician who suggested it out of office. It would be absurd to focus solely on lives saved...
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March 14th, 2024
global warming - growth - protesters
The left has a new goal: degrowth. We should “buy less stuff,” forgive debts, grow our own food, etc.
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March 7th, 2024
By: Matt Ridley – – March 6, 2023 The threat to humans from animal viruses is small. The financial incentive to pretend otherwise is large. That assumption is almost certainly false. A new report from the University of Leeds, prepared in part by former World Health Organization executives, finds that the claims made by the G-20 in support of...
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March 7th, 2024
The threat to humans from animal viruses is small. The financial incentive to pretend otherwise is large. Source: Why Scientists Love Chasing Bats – WSJ
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March 1st, 2024
graphic image - COVID scale w animal vs lab workers hold test tubes by KOZ
By: Nicholas Wade – – February 28, 2024 This startling fact will probably take some time to sink into the national consciousness, given the mainstream media’s sustained inability to report the issue objectively. Editors have failed to think beyond the extreme politicization that requires liberals to oppose the lab-leak hypothesis. Science journalists are too beholden to their sources to...
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February 23rd, 2024
Science experiment pours 6000 gallons of alkaline into ocean
Recall that Victor Frankenstein tried to tinker with nature. Let’s just say it didn’t go well, and he regretted it for the rest of his life. Today, a new group of scientists has announced their own plans to tinker with nature.
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