Tension in the Middle East
April 23rd, 2015
 For a Possible Preview of Their Future, Western Christians Should Consider the Mideast On the Ethiopians who were killed in Libya, and why we should expect more to come. NRO note: This weekend ISIS released a new video showing some 30 Ethiopian Christian men being beheaded in Libya for refusing to convert to Islam (or to pay a tax for...
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April 13th, 2015
At best, the ten-year window in Obama’s proposal will buy enough time to see real change in its government. Next week brings a constitutional moment illustrating a paradox of Barack Obama’s presidency. The catalyst of the drama is legislation proposed by Senator Bob Corker, chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee, asserting Congress’s foreign-policy responsibilities and prerogatives. The paradox is this:...
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April 10th, 2015
The only useful aspect of the sucker’s deal on Iran’s nuclear program is that it’s providing a moment of political clarity in Washington. About a dozen Senate Democrats and independents loudly insisted for over a year that they opposed the direction of the administration’s nuclear talks, that they wanted more sanctions, and that Congress should have a say on any...
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April 9th, 2015
Whenever Barack Obama says, as he often does, that another war in the Middle East is the only alternative to the deal he is making with Iran, his critics immediately accuse him of setting up a straw man, which indeed he also often does. Even Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, the sternest and most effective critic of Obama’s deal, declares...
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March 26th, 2015
Foster explains the importance of arming the Kurds and discusses Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech, Iran as a nuclear threat, and the persecution of Christians with Ed Berliner, host of Newsmax TV’s MidPoint in this 11-1/2 minute video. – Source: www.fosterfriees.com
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March 25th, 2015
Originally published by PJ Media Speaking at the Council of Foreign Relations on March 13, CIA Director John Brennan said that “the Islamic State had ‘snowballed’ beyond Iraq and Syria, estimating that at least 20,000 fighters from more than 90 countries have gone to join the militant group, several thousand of them from Western nations, including the United States.” “Left...
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March 25th, 2015
WASHINGTON – Ten years ago, Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.D., published his first WND bestselling book, Atomic Iran: How the Terrorist Regime Bought the Bomb and American Politicians, in which he predicted events unfolding now. “In 2005, when publishers for whom I had written top-selling books turned down my proposal to write a book warning of the dangers Iran’s nuclear program...
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March 6th, 2015
The prime minister’s speech before Congress has forced Obama to defend his reckless Iran policy. Benjamin Netanyahu’s address to Congress was notable in two respects. Queen Esther got her first standing O in 2,500 years. And President Obama came up empty in his campaign to pre-emptively undermine Netanyahu before the Israeli prime minister could present his case on the Iran...
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March 4th, 2015
Those who do not confront evil resent those who do. There is no question about whether President Obama — along with Secretary of State John Kerry and the editorial pages of many newspapers — has a particular dislike of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. But there is another question: Why? And the answer is due to an important rule of...
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March 4th, 2015
WASHINGTON — A sunset clause? The news from the nuclear talks with Iran was already troubling. Iran was being granted the “right to enrich.” It would be allowed to retain and spin thousands of centrifuges. It could continue construction of the Arak plutonium reactor. Yet so thoroughly was Iran stonewalling International Atomic Energy Agency inspectors that just last Thursday the...
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