Tension in the Middle East
February 5th, 2024
Joe and Jill Biden watch caskets of US soldiers being returned home
The Biden Administration is facing intense scrutiny over for its slow response in launching retaliatory strikes on Iranian-linked militia groups in the Middle East after three U.S. troops were killed in Jordan. 
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February 2nd, 2024
Concertina Wire at Texas border
Third-worlders killed three Americans in Jordan over the weekend, and our political establishment is ready to start World War III. Which is more of a national security threat: terrorists 6,000 miles away, or our wide-open border?
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February 1st, 2024
US Military on high alert in Iraq
More than 160 attacks on U.S. troops in Iraq, Syria and Jordan, 37 clashes in the Red Sea with the Houthis — and now five dead U.S. service members. America’s mounting proxy battle with Iran …
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January 30th, 2024
Iranian Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei being hailed
By: Sune Engel Rasmussen, Summer Said, Benoit Fauconand, and Stacy Meichtry – wsj.com – January 30, 2024 The attack, which Khamenei had publicly praised as an “epic victory,” marked a crescendo of four decades of Iranian efforts to train and arm a network of nonstate militant groups as a way to threaten its enemies and extend its influence in the Middle East....
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January 25th, 2024
Bill Ackman-Bari Weiss
The fellows who resigned accused Ackman and Weiss of supporting genocide and called on TED to disinvite them from its conference.
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January 17th, 2024
Trans rights are human rights - on cardboard
If you say “men give birth,” we all know your position on Hamas.
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January 15th, 2024
Houthis supporter carries and RPG launcher
By: Andrew C. McCarthy – nationalreview.com – January 15, 2024 The Defense Department reports that U.S. forces on Sunday shot down an anti-ship cruise missile fired by Iranian proxies at our destroyer, the U.S.S. Laboon, in the Red Sea. Last week, as Noah Rothman and NR’s editors have detailed, the Biden administration took meaningful — albeit belated and insufficient —...
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December 29th, 2023
Hamas Politburo member Ghazi Hamad
By: The Editorial Board – wsj.com – December 27, 2023 After the terrorist group brushed aside an Egyptian proposal over Christmas weekend, Hamas Politburo member Izzat al Rishq explained, “There can be no negotiations without a complete stop to the aggression”—an end to the war. On Dec. 20, in rejecting an Israeli offer, Politburo member Ghazi Hamad said Hamas is...
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December 29th, 2023
armed Hamas gunmen enter restricted area
2023 was a rather bad year. Not as bad as 2024 is likely to be, or as 2020 was.
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December 27th, 2023
protesters - I hate israel - eliminate israel - signs
The joke is told about a poll taker who asks about ignorance and apathy in the country. “I don’t know, and I don’t care,” says the respondent.
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