The Constitution
September 20th, 2024
Graphic - two donkeys attempt to rip apart constitution, Ben Franklin struggles to hold it together
By: Jonathan Turley – – September 12, 2024 It goes beyond proposals to pack the Supreme Court and even targets the freedom of speech. Kamala Harris declared in Tuesday’s debate that a vote for her is a vote “to end the approach that is about attacking the foundations of our democracy ’cause you don’t like the outcome.” She was alluding...
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September 18th, 2024
By: Lathan Watts – – September 5, 2024 “With great power comes great responsibility.” Long before Uncle Ben imparted this sage advice to Peter Parker, aka Spider-Man, in comics and movies, it was an accepted maxim in Western civilization known as “noblesse oblige.” Those with wealth, privilege, or position have an obligation to use the advantages of their birth...
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September 18th, 2024
Article V, VI, & V11 of the Constitution
If ‘we the people’ are unable to defend the Constitution, then the Constitution is unable to defend us.
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September 16th, 2024
Source: Constitution Day Should Be an Occasion for Celebration and a Time For Recommitment
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September 12th, 2024
Is the Constitution hazardous to our nation? According to the New York Times it is. At least, that’s what the Times’ book critic Jennifer Szalai postulates in her recent article, “The Constitution Is Sacred. Is It Also Dangerous?”
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September 12th, 2024
The constitution
Ah, the left. Ever ready to burn the foundations of America to the ground in pursuit of … progress. The latest example is a New York Times article by Jennifer Szalai titled…
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August 23rd, 2024
MI State Sen. Mallory McMorrow delivers an inaccurate rant at the DNC
By: James Freeman – – August 20, 2024 New Mason-Dixon poll finds a supermajority saying an independent judiciary protects liberties. The good news is that most Americans still oppose political assaults on the integrity, independence and structure of the U.S. Supreme Court. The bad news is that the sensible majorities who support the judiciary have lately been getting smaller....
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August 16th, 2024
Screenshot of Schummer and torn constitution
On August 1, Majority Leader Schumer & 23 Senators introduced the deceptively named “No Kings Act.” The name may be clever and sound innocent enough, but that is far from the truth. This legislation would not only delegitimize the highest court in the nation, it would completely undermine the Constitution.
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August 2nd, 2024
Supreme Court building - sunset
By: Ramesh Ponnuru – – July 29, 2024 There is no politically achievable way for progressive foes of this Supreme Court to get what they want. President Biden and Vice President Harris just endorsed term limits for the Supreme Court, but they are being vague about the details. Would the current justices have to abide by those limits or only future...
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August 2nd, 2024
First Liberty Press Release
Former Philadelphia assistant DA Rachel Spivack was terminated after refusing the Covid-19 vaccination that violated her Jewish faith.
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