The Millennial Generation

June 7th, 2017
by Sen. Ben Sasse – – May 31, 2017 When I was little, mom would leave detailed lists of chores on the kitchen counter each summer morning for my siblings and me to complete before we could play baseball, ride bikes, or go swimming. And when I arrived at college, basically everyone with whom I became friends, a group...
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June 7th, 2017
by Bernard Goldberg – – June 6, 2017 One of the nice things about summer is that school is out and, at least for a few months, we’ll get a welcome break from those sanctimonious liberal snowflakes on college campus who manage to prove that old saying about how the lunatics have taken over the asylum. One such asylum...
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June 5th, 2017
Dr. Everett Piper, President Oklahoma Wesleyan University This past week, I actually had a student come forward after a university chapel service and complain because he felt “victimized” by a sermon on the topic of 1 Corinthians 13. It appears this young scholar felt offended because a homily on love made him feel bad for not showing love. In his...
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June 5th, 2017
Dr. Everett Piper, President Oklahoma Wesleyan University This past week, I actually had a student come forward after a university chapel service and complain because he felt “victimized” by a sermon on the topic of 1 Corinthians 13. It appears this young scholar felt offended because a homily on love made him feel bad for not showing love. In his...
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March 22nd, 2017
Don’t Panic, That’s Just the Death Rattle of a Boomer-Controlled Congress: What to Expect From Gen X and Millennials Moving Forward Armed with fresh data, generational expert Amy Lynch offers insight into leveraging one of the biggest generational shifts Congress has ever seen. The Boomers are in control, but for how long? Maybe not that much longer, says generational expert...
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March 22nd, 2017
“Without individuals, nothing changes. Without institutions, nothing survives.” So said French philosopher and statesman Maurice Talleyrand. He concluded there is a need for both the maverick individual who seeks to disturb the status quo, as well as the company man who presides over the equilibrium. We, Jim and Nick, both represent voices from generations that epitomize each caricature. One...
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February 15th, 2017
In case you missed it, there is a hilarious Tumblr blog floating the web that depicts “Why Millennials Don’t Go to Church” in LOLCat format. One picture featured twirling cats and the words, “We can haz liturgical dance to attract the youngz” and another showed a cat lounging on top of a guitar asking, “Maybe u would like a praise...
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January 3rd, 2017
The word ‘millennial’ has a bad rap. It’s synonymous with ‘entitled,’ ‘spoiled,’ ‘emotional,’ ‘lazy’ and ‘impatient’—to name a few. At best, we’re naïve. At worst, we’re megalomaniacal hypocrites who know nothing about what’s actually going on the world. I tend to agree with the latter. It’s not that I hate millennials. After all, I am a millennial. I believe that, as a...
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January 3rd, 2017
Americans are five times less likely to pray now as compared to the early 1980’s, and twice as many said they do not believe in God. So concludes the research led by psychology professor Jean Twenge of San Diego State University. The biggest decline is among 18–29 year olds, the so-called millennials. The study reveals a sharp decline in religious...
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January 3rd, 2017
In this political season, Colin Kaepernick has been the prototypical millennial. The San Francisco 49ers quarterback has made headlines less for his statistics and more for his protests, kneeling during the national anthem to raise awareness of racial injustice. Loud outside the ballot box and absent inside it, Kaepernick has used his freedom to express his frustration but has failed...
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