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Tell House Members to Pass the Old Glory Only Act

US Embassy-Mexico City-pride-flag

US embassies represent America on foreign soil—so they should fly the American flag, not the various flags and banners of controversial groups and factions. If you agree, encourage your House representative to support the Old Glory Only Act (H.R. 146), which was recently introduced into the new congressional session.

For years, US embassies have flown pride flags and the Black Lives Matter banner. The Old Glory Only Act would require US embassies to fly the Stars and Stripes exclusively.

“The American flag is a beacon of liberty, and no other flag or symbol better portrays our shared values than the Stars and Stripes,” said Rep. Jeff Duncan of South Carolina, who introduced the bill into the 118th Congress.

If you’d like to contact your House representative about the Old Glory Only Act, we’ve provided a suggested message for you to send. Edit the message any way you like, and we’ll make sure the message gets emailed directly to your representative’s office.

Contact your Representative.