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Rebuild America with Truth

Rebuild America with Truth

It’s time to rebuild America with the truth from God’s Word.

For over 50 years, Point of View has laid groundwork by sharing a biblical worldview on issues of the day. Thanks to listeners like you—who keep Point of View on the air—millions of Americans have learned what it means to live out a biblical worldview.

Now it’s time to take that work to the next level. It’s time to rebuild America with truth. And Point of View needs you.

When you join Point of View’s TruthTeam, you’ll be equipped with tools to restore a biblical worldview to our culture.

Your support will also equip other Americans to rebuild the communities around them, preserving deep faith, strong families, and God-given freedom for future generations.

Join the TruthTeam today by making your commitment to truth!

What You Get When You Make a Monthly Commitment…
Monthly Gift
  • Subscription to Outlook Magazine, Point of View’s monthly publication available only to TruthTeam members
$30 a Month
  • Exclusive monthly A Biblical View on… booklet series
  • Subscription to Outlook Magazine
$50 a Month
  • A refillable, leather Rebuilding with Truth journal and pen
  • Exclusive monthly A Biblical View on… booklet series
  • Subscription to Outlook Magazine
$100 a Month
  • A Point of View/Rebuilding with Truth Leatherman® multi-tool
  • A refillable, leather Rebuilding with Truth journal and pen
  • Exclusive monthly A Biblical View on… booklet series
  • Subscription to Outlook Magazine