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Day Without Women

Penna Dexternever miss viewpoints

So — the Left organized something they called “A Day Without a Woman.” On March 8th  women were supposed to stay home from work, wear red, and refuse to shop. The idea — I guess — is that the pain caused to employers and businesses was supposed to highlight the value of women.

The effort, which organizers admitted was really a protest against Donald Trump, got most of its traction in places like New York and California. Uber, headquartered in Silicon Valley, has been weathering a storm caused by a female engineer’s complaint about sexual harassment. Uber’s management, perhaps hoping for some good PR, sent a memo to employees saying they were welcome to strike.

The irony of the “Day Without a Woman” is that women who can afford to actually take a day off work for a protest without being docked in pay or losing their jobs are probably not women who have legitimate axes to grind. Linda Sarsour, a co-chairwoman of the event, said that was why organizers deliberately offered a menu of actions for women who could not strike, like expressing solidarity with striking women by wearing red or shopping only at female-owned businesses.

The pro-family organization Concerned Women for America provided some helpful statistics regarding the plight of the American woman:

  • In the US, women hold 43 percent of senior management positions. That’s the highest proportion in any of the countries that are members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development.
  • Also, women comprise 47 percent of the US labor force.
  • 25 percent of American women are in professional fields compared with 16 percent of American men.
  • 46 percent of firms are owned or co-owned by women.

Organizers of the “Day Without a Woman” hoped to build upon the momentum from the January women’s marches. Not sure it did that. But if feminists plan any more of these events, anyone thinking of participating should ask herself, “What am I being denied because I’m a girl?”

Going on strike to show how valuable you are in the workplace is risky. People are valuable to their employers because they show up, not because they don’t.

If you’re part of this renewed feminist movement because of President Trump, ask yourself, “What has Donald Trump taken away from me that I had before, or denied me that I want? Birth control?”

The majority of American women are prolife. But the January women’s march organizers pointedly excluded prolife groups. For them, unborn females are not a group worth standing up for.

The “Day Without a Woman” took place on International Women’s Day. The president took the opportunity to tweet out a message of respect that said, “Join me in honoring the critical role of women here in America and around the world.”

Women deserve respect, not for going on strike, but for the unique role we play in the culture, the workplace, and the family.

Viewspoints by Penna Dexter

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