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Denial and Disinformation

The numerous videos of Planned Parenthood have generated lots of comments and conversation. Sadly, they have also demonstrated how many Americans want to deny what is happening. And they have provided a platform for lots of disinformation.

Denial is how most of us react to news that is troubling and unexpected. We shouldn’t be surprised that many Americans have troubling accepting the reality presented in these undercover videos. John Zmirak reminds us that the Allies in World War II had difficulty understanding the full extent of the Final Solution when it was first revealed. The Holocaust seemed unthinkable, so it was difficult to grasp the horror of what took place in the death camps.

He adds that the villains this time aren’t Nazi soldiers. “They are pretty, well-coiffed women like Planned Parenthood’s Cecile Richards, and spunky legislators in pink running shoes like former Texas State Senator, Wendy Davis.” No wonder it is hard for many Americans to accept and understand what is taking place in these abortion clinics.

It also makes it easier to accept Planned Parenthood’s disinformation campaign. Some candidates say they will continue to support the organization because of the supposed good they do for women’s health. Yet, the latest statistics show that abortions make up 94 percent of Planned Parenthood’s pregnancy services. Their annual reports show that abortions are on the rise and non-abortion services are declining.

Pro-life politicians and advocates remind us that there are 13 times more Federally Qualified Health Centers in American that do not provide abortion than there are Planned Parenthood centers. They deserve our funding and support not an organization that aborts more than 300,000 babies every year and receives $1.5 million in taxpayer dollars every day.

Viewpoints by Kerby Anderson





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