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Fetal Parts and Society

The argument against abortion has always been two-fold. Abortion is wrong because of what it does to the unborn baby. But there is another reason. Abortion is also wrong because of what it does to those who live. Mothers often pay a heavy price with post-abortive problems. And the society pays a price because of the coarsening and desensitization that accompanies a culture that aborts more than a million unborn babies every year.

Charles Krauthammer picked up on these ideas when writing about “the price of fetal parts.” There is the monetary price. But there is also the social price. “Abortion critics have long warned that the problem is not only the obvious — what abortion does to the fetus — but also what it does to us. It’s the same kind of desensitization that has occurred in the Netherlands with another mass exercise in life termination: assisted suicide. . . . It has now become so widespread and wanton that one-fifth of all Dutch assisted-suicide patients are euthanized without their explicit consent.”

Every few days, the Center for Medical Progress drops another video showing us the dark underbelly of Planned Parenthood. This has been a public service because it has forced many Americans to confront what they don’t want to see and are happy to ignore.

John Zmirak in a recent commentary said his father served under General Patton, and he remembered how Patton reacted when he saw the concentration camps. He rounded up all the German citizens in the nearby town and forced them to walk through the camps and see the horror up close and personal.

These videos are marching the viewing public, politicians, and the media through the medical waste bins and organ markets. They don’t like what they see, but they have been forced to face the truth. The only question now is whether we will avert our eyes or do something about what we have seen.

Viewpoints by Kerby Anderson

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