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Founding Fathers: Our First Founder?

Is it possible America’s most important Founding Father was born in France in 1509?

From the time of the Apostles and – for more than 1500 years after virtually all political theorizing was produced by Christians, and with Biblical foundations.

Augustine, Bishop of Hippo – in the late-fourth and early-fifth centuries taught that civil government was not part of the original creation – it was made necessary by the fall and to be significantly limited in scope.

In the 12th Century, John of Salisbury wrote seven major works, including Policraticus – and like Augustine – he, clearly believed in a form of ‘nullification’ – that tyrannical governments should be opposed.

John, taught that a leader was a servant of the law – and not to use it for his own gain.

In the 13th Century: the Magna Carta, Thomas Aquinas and many others.

Then that year of 1509 and the birth of that Frenchman.

Renowned historian George Bancroft of Harvard wrote:”He that will not honor the memory – and respect the influence of (this

Frenchman) knows but little of the origin of American liberty.”

And Leopold von Ranke – another world-respected historian said (this Frenchman) was “virtually the founder of America.”

Do you know who they were talking about?

This first “Founding Father of America” was John Calvin and as much as he contributed to Biblical forms of civil government and as much as we could benefit from studying his works on that topic it is even more vital to grasp something – that Calvin himself did: the best way to reform the culture, is to first reform the Church.

The Gospel is the key to everything. Jesus is King.

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