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Inflation Reality

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never miss viewpointsKerby Anderson

While we lament the fact that much of the news today is censored or suppressed, the American consumer understands that inflation is real and here to stay for the foreseeable future. David Catron argues in The American Spectator that “Inflation Can’t Be Censored.”

A recent Gallup poll concluded, “Americans’ confidence in the economy remains very low, and mentions of economic issues as the most important problem in the US are at their highest point since 2016.” When asked to specify the most important issue, inflation topped the list. And Americans know who to blame. They listed government officials.

Those same government leaders have been working hard to deflect any blame. First, they dismissed any talk about inflation. Former Treasury Secretary Laurence Summers warned last year that the “American Rescue Plan” would accelerate inflation. His fellow Democrats rejected his analysis.

Later the administration admitted that inflation may be real, but it was temporary. Once it no longer looked temporary, it was linked to corporate greed. Now the administration has used the label “Putin price hike.” The American consumers know better.

David Catron talks about the devastating impact inflation has on Americans trying to live on a fixed income because the dollars they receive are worth less. “If you and your spouse are on Social Security and receive $65,000 per year combined, you now receive $3,510 less than you did a year ago.” Also, the money you now receive is paid in dollars that are worth far less than the dollars you paid into Social Security years ago.

Government officials may be trying to avoid talking about inflation, but they can’t censor or suppress the economic impact on the American people. viewpoints new web version

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