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Iran Deal

I recently had former Harvard Law Professor,  Alan Dershowitz on my radio program to talk about his new book, The Case Against the Iran Deal: How Can We Now Stop Iran from Getting Nukes? Although he has been a supporter of the president, he isn’t a supporter of this deal with Iran.

We talked about the threat a nuclear-armed Iran would be to the region and especially to Israel. We both questioned whether this deal was really a treaty. If this Iran deal is a treaty, then it would need two-thirds of the U.S. Senate to ratify it. Some big questions surfaced concerning sanctions and inspections.

Arizona Senator, Jeff Flake says that even though “Congress has received assurances from the administration that it does not forfeit its ability to impose sanctions” he has found that “these assurances do not square with the text” of the Iran agreement. He believes the deal gives Iran lots of leverage that it currently does not have.

Some are critical of the administration’s willingness to abandon anytime, anywhere inspections. They are even more concerned that no Americans will be allowed on the inspection teams and that the other inspectors will have be vetted by Iranian intelligence.

Texas Senator John Cornyn has also been critical of the secret side deals. He says, “Trusting Iran to inspect its own nuclear site . . . is remarkably naive and incredibly reckless.” Representative Ed Royce, chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, called the Iran agreement a “dangerous farce.”

Democrat New Jersey Senator, Robert Menendez says “lifting the arms and missile embargo well before Iranian compliance” actually “leaves us in a weak position.” He believes that the Iran deal is based on hope. “Hope is part of human nature, but unfortunately it is not a national security strategy.”

In short, the Iran deal is not a good deal for Israel or America, and many members of Congress are willing to say so.

Viewpoints by Kerby Anderson





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