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Lima Climate Conference

Global planners are just finishing up an international conference in Lima, Peru with the stated aim of curtailing climate change. More than 190 nations are represented at the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conference of the Parties, COP20.

It’s arrogant for mere humans to think they can stop climate change. But climate change has been deemed the bad guy. Halting it is the goal that’s been articulated to summon nations to take part in these efforts to bind developed countries like the United States into transferring large amounts of money and technology to developing countries, like China and India. Each conference lays the groundwork for the next. The current agreement being worked on will be finalized next year in Paris, France at COP21.

The real goal is massive wealth transfer. In 2011, at COP17, Convention Secretary Christiana Figueres told leaders gathered in Durban, South Africa these conferences are about the “complete transformation of the economic structure of the world.” At this conference, a “Green Climate Fund” was created into which developed nations are supposed to drop $100 billion per year. Now Ms. Figueres says this amount is just a “miracle proxy.” She says developing countries should rest assured “$90 trillion will go into infrastructure over the next 15 years.” Courtesy of the first-world taxpayer, of course.

The argument against the U.S. entering binding UN agreements to reduce emissions is that any possible benefit to the climate from our reductions would be negated many times over by emissions from China. But that was supposedly cured last month, when President Obama made a deal with China to reduce U.S. emissions at double the rate we are already accomplishing, beginning now. Not much of a deal. The agreement commits China to begin cutting emissions sixteen years from now. But China was on track to plateau its carbon emissions in 2030 anyway.

The goal is a total phase-out of fossil fuels, a completely unrealistic idea which would devastate economies.  Cathie Adams, President of Texas Eagle Forum, has been attending these Climate Conferences since they began in Kyoto, Japan in 1997.  She says “wind and solar are NOT dependable sources of energy.” The technology is not developed enough and, without generous government subsidies, solar and wind companies simply don’t make it.

Should we attempt to minimize carbon emissions? Certainly. And we are. Since 2005, the United States has already cut more carbon emissions than any nation on earth. But in doing so, we should not, as columnist Charles Krauthammer warns, “commit economic suicide without purpose.”

In Paris, next year, climate planners hope to produce a document to replace the one finalized in Kyoto, Japan in 1997. The U.S. Senate never ratified that one. It would have devastated our economy. The next Senate is not likely to approve any such agreement. But the current administration, inclined to bypass Congress, supports this agenda. We must take this seriously.


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