Kerby Anderson
“It’s hard to learn on an empty stomach, but that is exactly what the Biden administration is demanding of the nation’s most vulnerable children.” That’s how the commentary by Lathan Watts begins. He is highlighting the administration’s decision to withdraw school-lunch funding from schools that do not accept their decision to redefine the word “sex” in Title IX to include sexual orientation and gender identity.
Two months ago, I wrote about the administration announcement that the Department of Food and Nutrition Service will strip funding for school lunches if the school does not adopt the administration’s transgender policies. Alliance Defending Freedom is representing Grant Park Christian Academy which could lose funding for school lunches even though Title IX provides a religious exemption.
The Christian academy serves children from a low-income and historically underprivileged community in Tampa. Under the Florida school-choice program, most of the families attend the school cost-free. All of them are eligible for free or reduced-price lunches. The Christian academy exists to uplift its community by providing a quality education that is also fueled by nutritious meals.
Lathan Watts reminds us that all of this is happening at a frightening pace. “From forcing female athletes to compete with men, to threatening to deprive hungry children of food in your neighborhood school, and all points in between, no stone will be left unturned.” Accept the government’s message or suffer the consequences.
It is unfortunate that a lawsuit was necessary, but there aren’t many alternatives when an administration redefines terms and is pushing a radical sexual agenda.