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New Rules

USA flag on old plank boards
Kerby Andersonnever miss viewpoints

The long-established rules in society seem to be changing. Victor Davis Hanson describes “Ten Radical New Rules That are Changing America.” Let’s look at a few of them.

First, money is a construct. Politicians seem to believe that money can be created out of thin air and that the national debt no longer matters. Previous presidents and administrations at least acknowledged that the money was real and that the debt had to be paid back.

Second, laws are not necessarily binding anymore. He reminds us of the rioters who violated federal and state laws. Some were prosecuted, others not so much.

Third, racialism is now acceptable. Being an American used to be the defining principle, but now ethnicity or religion is how so many believe they should be defined.

Fourth, most Americans should be treated like little children. We cannot ask people to provide an ID to vote. We are to follow all of the COVID-19 rules without question.

Fifth, hypocrisy is passé. He says that “virtue-signaling is alive.” We see that when climate activists fly on private jets and social-justice warriors live in gated communities. Even more extreme is when millionaire elites pose as victims of sexism or racism.

Sixth, McCarthyism is good.  Using the cancel culture to destroy lives and careers over incorrect thoughts or casual tweets is good because it saves lives and advances an agenda.

Seventh, wokeness is the new religion. He suggests that as a secular religion it is growing faster and larger than Christianity.

He concludes by noting that most Americans fear these rules but publicly appear to accept them. Perhaps that is due to fear and intimidation. But if we don’t challenge these radical rules, they will become permanent and institutionalized.viewpoints new web version

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