Recent Viewpoints

April 9, 2021
Google tab open computer- thru magnifying glass

Kerby Anderson Mike Huckabee warns us about the influence of Big Tech in a recent commentary. He understands that everyone knows that Big Tech has been in the business of collecting data on each of us to sell to advertisers. But then he asks, “did you know that they’re also selling information about us to federal agencies? He explains that these companies have been collecting data from different services and then use artificial intelligence to understand our personality traits. Apparently,…

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April 8, 2021
Apocalypse Never Cover

Kerby Anderson Michael Shellenberger has been working in the environmental arena for decades. But he began to become more concerned when he was hearing claims that “billions of people are going to die” unless we implement radical, draconian environmental policies. Early on in his book, he explains why he decided to part company with some of the environmentalists and set the record straight. “Much of what people are being told about the environment, including the climate, is wrong, and we…

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April 7, 2021

Kerby Anderson The pandemic and subsequent lockdowns in 2020 have been devastating to life and livelihoods. But some think it provides a model for what must be done in the future to address the problem of climate change. Some see it as a “test run” for a new climate-driven economy. That was essentially the argument at the UK Climate Assembly that met last year. One speaker noted that in order to deal with the threat of the virus the government…

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April 6, 2021
All thumbs up

Kerby Anderson Dr. Michael Brown writes about not always trusting your own echo chamber. I always encourage my listeners to read widely because you might miss important perspectives and arguments that will challenge your thinking. He begins by quoting from DC Circuit Court Judge Laurence Silberman, who I discussed yesterday. He argued that two of the most influential papers (New York Times and Washington Post) “are virtually Democratic Party broadsheets.” He also added that nearly all television “is a Democratic…

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April 5, 2021

Kerby Anderson In the process of evaluating a Supreme Court standard for the media, an appeals court judge also made a startling statement about the state of media in this country. Judge Laurence Silberman is a senior judge on the DC Circuit Court of Appeals and may be best known for his opinion on the Heller decision concerning the Second Amendment. He argued that the landmark libel ruling in New York Times v. Sullivan should be reconsidered. Back then, the…

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April 2, 2021
Biden - 2 women generals - International Women's Day

Penna Dexter Flanked by a couple of female generals, President Biden spoke recently at an event marking International Women’s Day. In comments on the speech, Fox News host Tucker Carlson wondered how the military’s focus on placing women in combat and procuring maternity flight suits is really going to help us deal with the rising Chinese military threat. Considering this push, plus the Biden administration’s announcement that the Pentagon will pay for gender reassignment surgery for active-duty personnel, one does…

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April 2, 2021
Good Friday Gold Crown of Thorns

Kerby Anderson Today is Good Friday. On this day, believers around the world commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. We all understand that. What most of us don’t understand is why this dark day in which Jesus suffered and died is called “Good Friday.” Why isn’t it called Bad Friday or Dark Friday? Over the years, people have put forward various theories. Some argue that it is called Good Friday because something good came about because of the death, burial,…

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April 1, 2021
Male High School students

Kerby Anderson Boys are in crisis. That should be obvious, but Dr. Warren Farrell still has to spend his first six chapters documenting it. He was on my radio program to talk about the book, The Boy Crisis, that he wrote with Dr. John Gray. First, there is the crisis of our sons’ mental health. For example, the increase in the suicide rate among white males led to as many white male deaths as were lost to AIDS. The rate…

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March 31, 2021

Kerby Anderson There was a time in the past when political leaders of both parties talked about the importance of religion in the founding of this country. Terry Jeffrey found a speech by an urban northeastern Democrat that illustrated this so well. The candidate proclaimed that “a devotion to fundamental religious principles has characterized American thought and action.” He argued that the nation’s greatest leaders understood the “essential religious idea” of our founding. “Our earliest legislation was inspired by this…

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March 30, 2021
Homeless on the streets

Kerby Anderson John Stossel says the problem is “bad laws.” Rafael Mangual describes it as the “overcriminalization of America.” Both are talking about the same problem and teamed up to produce a video that highlights an issue that needs to be addressed. To put it simply, we have too many laws on the books, many of which are outdated and need to be removed. For example, there is a law in South Carolina that bans 18-year-olds from playing pinball. Taking…

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March 29, 2021
birth-dearth low birth rate

Kerby Anderson Members of a very popular South Korean boy band were denied draft exemptions even though it would reduce revenue to the country. Why? Because there aren’t enough boys available to serve in the military. Lyman Stone uses this illustration to highlight the extremely low birth rate in South Korea. But that country is just one of many examples of what has become a global birth dearth. Fertility rates have been declining in all the developed countries of the…

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