Recent Viewpoints

April 23, 2021

Kerby Anderson The Biden administration thinks they may have found a way to promote higher corporate taxes to American voters. President Joe Biden and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen claim this is all about ending “the global race to the bottom.” It is obvious that the president wants to raise our corporate taxes, but who knew that he also wants to raise them across the world? He and the Treasury secretary want to establish a “minimum global corporate tax rate.” A…

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April 22, 2021
American Flag - Hope for America

Kerby Anderson Progressives in Washington, D.C. are supporting several measures that target the core values upon which this nation was built. Here are some examples. There are many dangerous elements of the Equality Act, but one of the most alarming is the way it targets religious freedom. There isn’t a more fundamental American value than religious freedom. The For the People Act is another dangerous bill before the Senate. Not only would this bill weaken our election security by subjecting…

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April 21, 2021

Kerby Anderson Three major scientific discoveries in the past century point to God. That is the argument Dr. Stephen Meyer makes in a recent commentary in The Federalist, which is based on his new book, Return of the God Hypothesis. The first significant discovery is that the physical universe likely had a beginning. This is contrary to the expectations of scientific materialists who assumed that the material universe was eternal and thus self-existent. Scientists discovered that galaxies far from the…

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April 20, 2021
assault rifles and high-capacity magazines

Kerby Anderson We are headed for another month or two of gun control debate and discussion. The president is moving forward with executive orders concerning “ghost guns,” arm braces, and “red flag laws.” However, he has aimed his sites at assault rifles and high-capacity magazines. For the moment, let’s look at the rhetoric being employed in an effort to ban or significantly restrict the manufacture, sale, and distribution of semi-automatic rifles. Proponents of gun control frequently refer to these sporting…

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April 19, 2021
crime scene - police tape

Kerby Anderson Crime is dramatically increasing in cities where police department funding has been reduced. That shouldn’t come as a big surprise and is well documented in a commentary that “Violent Crimes Spike in Cities That Defunded the Police.” More than 20 major cities have slashed their police budgets. Let’s look at some examples. Murders in Portland tripled from July 2020 to February 2021. This took place after “city commissioners voted to cut nearly $16 million from the police budget…

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April 16, 2021
Biden's American Job's Plan

Penna Dexter The president has released his $2.3 trillion infrastructure plan. He wants bipartisan buy-in and it’s true that infrastructure bills often pass with strong bipartisan support. But, when we think of infrastructure, we think of airports, ports, waterways, bridges, and highway systems. Only about 7 percent of the proposed spending for this plan is devoted to such projects. Add infrastructure-related projects like upgrading water systems, expanding high-speed broadband, modernizing the electric grid, and improving infrastructure resilience and you have…

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April 16, 2021
USA flag on old plank boards

Kerby Anderson The long-established rules in society seem to be changing. Victor Davis Hanson describes “Ten Radical New Rules That are Changing America.” Let’s look at a few of them. First, money is a construct. Politicians seem to believe that money can be created out of thin air and that the national debt no longer matters. Previous presidents and administrations at least acknowledged that the money was real and that the debt had to be paid back. Second, laws are…

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April 15, 2021
US Flag w citizen faces

Kerby Anderson Today is usually considered Tax Day. But this year the federal government moved that day to May and to June for Texas residents. A more important date is Tax Freedom Day. That is the date when your tax burden is lifted. It is calculated by dividing the official government tally of all taxes collected in each year by the amount of all income earned in each year. Put another way, it is when you are no longer working…

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April 14, 2021
Brit Hume Tweet - Lester Holt statement

Kerby Anderson Lester Holt (NBC anchor) recently explained to his audience that “fairness is overrated.” He argued that the “idea that we should always give two sides equal weight and merit does not reflect the world we find ourselves in.” The example he used is certainly one that everyone would accept. “That the sun sets in the west is a fact. Any contrary view does not deserve our time and attention. But he went on to expand this trivial example…

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April 12, 2021

Kerby Anderson Would investments by the federal government and state governments help improve America’s infrastructure? The answer is obviously, yes. Is the current bill before Congress about much more than rebuilding America’s infrastructure? Again, the answer is obviously, yes. The president and his administration promoted it as a “once-in-a-lifetime” infrastructure bill. Given the fact that it will cost at least $2 trillion, you could certainly say that. I say at least, because other politicians are asking for $4 trillion, and…

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April 12, 2021
Mariannette Miller-Meeks vs Rita Hart

Kerby Anderson Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democratic House members considered removing an elected member of Congress and replacing her with another Democrat. That did not happen because the Democrat decided to withdraw, leaving the elected Iowa Republican in the House of Representatives. This incident raises lots of questions. The Constitution does allow Congress to disqualify an election, but that power hasn’t been used in decades and has been reserved for when there has been serious misconduct. The congressional election…

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