Kerby Anderson Critical race theory is coming to a school district near you. First, it was being promoted through a bill in Congress. Now it looks like it will be funded through President Biden’s Department of Education. Critical race theory rests upon a Marxist foundation but with a significant difference. Karl Marx focused on class conflict between capitalists and workers. The newer form of Marxism substituted race for class and sought a coalition of the dispossessed based on racial and…

Recent Viewpoints
Kerby Anderson Yesterday, I talked about the president’s pledge to cut greenhouse gas emissions. I also argued that we aren’t going to reach that goal by walking, riding bicycles, and turning down our thermostats. His goal will require massive costs and disruption that they try to dismiss. I called it climate denialism. Another reason why that goal won’t be achieved is due to what I call climate confusion. This administration is focused on the wrong areas. Less than a quarter…
Kerby Anderson President Biden pledged to cut greenhouse gas emissions in half by the end of this decade and to reach a goal of carbon zero by 2050. Even if we assume that is necessary to address climate change, what would be the impact on our country? Anyone who criticizes such measures is usually tagged as a climate change denier. But David Harsanyi talks about another denial. He refers to it as “Biden’s Climate Denialism.” The president and his policymakers…
Penna Dexter The U.S. Department of Education recently proposed a regulation that would direct funding for K-12 civics education toward “culturally responsive teaching and learning.” Sounds like your typical diversity push. But it isn’t. In his primer on culturally responsive education, New York University Professor David Kirkland declares that “the dominant systems and ideologies which centered around Anglo-European-Judeo-cis-hetero-male whiteness” are no longer the reference point. Anything that elevates “narratives of white supremacy” is to be avoided. The aim of this…
Kerby Anderson In his book, After America, Mark Steyn opened with a scenario of what a man living in the 19th century would think of technological changes in 1950. He would be astonished. Our time traveler would see a home full of mechanical contraptions. “There is a huge machine in the corner of the kitchen, full of food and keeping the milk fresh and cold. Even more amazingly, there is an orchestra playing somewhere within his very house. No, wait,…
Kerby Anderson Whenever health is involved, trust is also important. You go to the doctor who prescribes a treatment or medicine. You may know something about anatomy and physiology, but you need to trust that your doctor is prescribing the right treatment or pharmaceutical. Trust is also important when it comes to the health care establishment. Do you trust these health experts who have been making recommendations during this pandemic? Over the last year, some of them haven’t given us…
Kerby Anderson With all the current emphasis on the environment, you might be tempted to ask, what happened to the Green New Deal? The simple answer is that it’s being implemented under the guise of infrastructure. Don’t take my word for it. Consider what Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez said about the bill before Congress. She laments that “some parts of the party try to avoid saying Green New Deal and really dance around and try not to use the term, ultimately,…
Kerby Anderson We seem to be transforming our world into a zero-risk society. That is the conclusion of Andrew Michta, who is the dean of the College of International and Security Studies at the George Marshall European Center for Security Studies. “A year of the COVID pandemic has transformed some of the freest and most affluent societies in the history of the West beyond recognition and in ways perhaps never imagined.” He’s not the only person aware of the psychosis…
Kerby Anderson When an issue surfaces that the progressive mob doesn’t like, you can bet a few woke corporations will swoop down and act like the fourth branch of government. The election law passed in Georgia is just the most recent example. Corporate influence and interference are now spreading to other states considering laws to improve election integrity. You might wonder why the country’s corporations don’t stop and consider the implications for their companies. Haven’t they learned the lesson from…
Penna Dexter Legislators in Alabama recently passed, and sent to their governor, a law prohibiting K-12 schools from allowing biological boys to participate in girls’ sports. That same week, North Dakota passed a similar bill. Other states — about 30 altogether — are considering or have already enacted legislation to protect girls’ sports and to prevent female athletes from losing medals, titles, and scholarship opportunities to males who identify as females. The legislation in Alabama and North Dakota sent a message…
Kerby Anderson The Biden administration thinks they may have found a way to promote higher corporate taxes to American voters. President Joe Biden and Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen claim this is all about ending “the global race to the bottom.” It is obvious that the president wants to raise our corporate taxes, but who knew that he also wants to raise them across the world? He and the Treasury secretary want to establish a “minimum global corporate tax rate.” A…