Recent Viewpoints

March 2, 2021
Confused Scratching head, Puzzled

Kerby Anderson Americans in general, and even evangelicals in particular, seem confused about important details of their faith. A study done by Lifeway Research found that Americans don’t know much about theology, and many evangelicals seem confused as well. Tyler O’Neil wrote about the “12 Lies American Evangelicals Believe.” Here are a few of them. Americans generally believe that their personal salvation depends on good works. The survey found that three-fourths (77%) agreed with the statement that people must contribute…

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March 1, 2021

Kerby Anderson Christians are surrounded by a supermarket of worldviews, so it is not surprising that many have uncritically accepted many of these false views of reality. The Barna Group, in association with Summit Ministries, conducted a survey of practicing Christians to determine how they were influenced by these worldviews. They found that younger Christians (millennials and generation X) were much more likely to accept unbiblical worldviews than previous generations. They also found that males were more susceptible than females…

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February 26, 2021
Fist Full of Money

Penna Dexter A fifteen-dollar per hour minimum wage has been a dream of the Left for a while now. Such an arbitrary number. Why not $50? Why not $100? If the goal is to “lift people out of poverty”, the higher the better, right? Not really. This kind of mandate would result in more people earning $0 an hour. Heritage Foundation President Kay James says, “Government-imposed minimum wages are a bad idea to begin with.” COVID-19 concerns and restrictions have…

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February 26, 2021
Glacier-National-Park-Glaciers gone

Kerby Anderson One of the framed pictures in my office is a photograph I took at Glacier National Park when I was a teenager. I have always wanted to go back and photograph this beautiful place with a much better camera. I also wanted to go back so that I could take a picture of the signs that the park service put up predicting that all of the glaciers would be gone by 2020 due to climate change. In case you…

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February 25, 2021
AI technology

Kerby Anderson Science is headed into uncharted territory. That’s why we need a reliable science guide to navigate our journey. Dr. Michael Guillen provides that guidance in his book, The End of Life as We Know It. For years he was the Emmy award-winning science correspondent for ABC News. He was on my radio program to talk about the book and his truth tour. He addresses four areas of concern: the web, the robot, the spy, and the Frankenstein. He…

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February 24, 2021
Communist Manifesto vs Ten Commandments

Kerby Anderson Someone who tuned into Point of View for the first time left a comment on the Facebook page criticizing what one of my guests said and concluded by instructing us that Christians should embrace socialism. It’s the type of comment I usually ignore, but I thought it might deserve a response since I have heard it so often. Over the last few months, I have been teaching through the book of Acts. When you get to Acts 4,…

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February 23, 2021
American Free Market Enterprise

Kerby Anderson Although the concept of a free enterprise system developed primarily in Europe, it has become the most successful in the United States. Arthur Brooks, president of the American Enterprise Institute, has a possible explanation. The founders promoted a free market where Americans were able to truly live their liberty. Thomas Jefferson famously said this in his first inaugural address. “A wise and frugal government which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to…

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February 22, 2021
Free Enterprise

Kerby Anderson What are the key components of the free enterprise system in America today? Arthur Brooks in his book, The Battle, describes five principles. The first principle is: The purpose of free enterprise is human flourishing, not materialism. In this statement he sets forth the moral case for free enterprise. He argues in one chapter that people flourish when they earn their own success. It’s not money (per se) that is a measure. Instead, it is what Arthur Brooks…

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February 19, 2021
COVID-Wedding - Bride & Groom

Penna Dexter Valentine’s Day brought a couple of small COVID-style weddings among people I love. It’s refreshing that these couples decided not to wait out the pandemic to have big splashy events. This is an era where lots of couples are postponing marriage, sometimes for years, until they can “afford” the wedding. University of Texas sociology professor Mark Regnerus’s new book, THE FUTURE OF CHRISTIAN MARRIAGE, is based on research in seven countries. He says we’ve exported consumption-oriented marriage. He…

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February 19, 2021
detectives at a bronx-crime-scene

Kerby Anderson Rav Arora provides a sad and very sobering summary of what happened to black lives in 2020. He writes about race, crime, and culture for the New York Post. He reminds us how the nation was “united in shock and horror after George Floyd’s death.” But he goes on to describe in painful detail what happened in our cities. Consider this statistic. “Last year saw the largest year-to-year increase in homicides ever recorded in US history. The homicide…

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February 18, 2021
crowded sidewalk

Kerby Anderson Numerous surveys show that socialism is often more popular among young people than capitalism. That is why I have written numerous commentaries and booklets on the subject. My booklet on A Biblical View on Capitalism and Socialism explains the two views and answers many of the criticisms socialists have about the free enterprise system. My booklet on A Biblical View on Socialism helps to answer many of the arguments used to promote socialism. The latest post-election survey done by…

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