Kerby Anderson Perhaps you have heard the phrase that people follow their basic principles, until they don’t. As much as most of us try to follow key principles in our life (whether they be principles of leadership, family, or morality), sometimes an issue arises that changes our behavior. That is certainly true of judicial interpretation. While on the Supreme Court, Justice Neil Gorsuch has staked out his belief that legislatures (not the judiciary) should make law. And he has on…
Recent Viewpoints
Penna Dexter The extensive looting and rioting piggybacking on the peaceful protests in response to the death of George Floyd are disastrously counterproductive. Criminals and extremists are piling up damages that will result in costs to minority communities — communities they claim to represent — for years to come. Wall Street Journal columnist Jason Riley provides some history to show that peaceful civil rights demonstrations get better results. He points out that two consequential laws affecting African Americans, the Civil…
Kerby Anderson We are a divided country, but it may be worse than we imagined. An article in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences discussed what is called “motive attribution asymmetry.” That’s a technical term for the assumption that your ideology is based on love and your opponent’s is based on hate. Put another way: we are the good guys, and they are the bad guys. They discovered that the average Republican and the average Democrat today are as…
Kerby Anderson You have heard most of them before. They are little phrases and one-liners that Christians (and even non-Christians) say in order to encourage you. You might be going through some tough struggles, and they remind you, “God won’t give you more than you can handle.” At a funeral for a child, someone will likely explain, “God gained another angel.” And of course, there are the millions of people who believe that “God just wants you to be happy”…
Kerby Anderson In a PragerU video, former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper talked about two different types of people. He described these two groups in order to explain why Donald Trump won in 2016. I will ignore his explanation and conclusion in this short commentary in order to focus on the impact of two people groups. He says there are many people who “can live anywhere” and many more people who have to “live somewhere.” David Goodhart makes this important…
Kerby Anderson Americans currently promoting socialism tell us that we shouldn’t look at the failed socialist experiments in Cuba or Venezuela. Instead, we should look at Sweden as proof that socialism works and can bring great prosperity. That’s not what Swedish historian Johan Norberg says. He is featured in a new documentary, “Sweden: Lessons for America.” John Stossel also interviewed Norberg for Stossel TV. Norberg makes it clear that “Sweden is not socialist—because the government doesn’t own the means of…
Kerby Anderson A new documentary reminds us how intrusive social media can be in our lives and how personal privacy is quickly vanishing. Kyle Smith writes about this in a recent op-ed and mentions the documentary The Creepy Line. The name of the documentary is taken from a comment by Google CEO Eric Schmidt. He has a nickname for the invasive nature of his company. “Google policy on a lot of these things is to get right up to the…
Penna Dexter Protests over the killing of George Floyd by a Minneapolis police officer are, for many participants, really about attaining a Leftist wish list. For others they are an excuse to destroy and loot property. But the persistence of peaceful protests has some Americans wondering: Are we a racist nation? Is there such a thing as systemic racism? Shelby Steele, a veteran of the civil rights movement, best-selling author, and currently Senior Fellow at the Hoover Institution, rejects the…
Kerby Anderson Dinesh D’Souza has written about The United States of Socialism. It provides a good overview of the influence of socialism in our world today with good responses to the arguments used to support socialism and to criticize capitalism. He also introduces the concept of “identity socialism” which attempts to cobble together various victim groups in an effort to promote a socialist revolution. Millions of young people in our country today are convinced that socialism is superior to capitalism….
Kerby Anderson It’s one thing to read about voter fraud in a news article. It is quite another to read about it in a court document or legal opinion. Three judges on the Fifth Circuit Court of Appeals blocked an attempt to allow all voters in the state to vote by mail because of the pandemic. In his concurring opinion, Judge James Ho took the time to cite other judges and legal opinions warning about the dangers of voting by…
Kerby Anderson While the world is waiting for a coronavirus vaccine, it’s worth taking a moment to ask some important questions. Dr. Francis Collins (director of NIH) believes we could have 100 million doses of a vaccine ready in early 2021. Is that possible? Normally it takes more than a decade to produce a vaccine and get it approved. And usually there is a 90 percent failure rate. Researchers are pursuing three different paths to a vaccine. Moderna has developed…