Recent Viewpoints

March 18, 2020
A House Divided - Lincoln

Kerby Anderson Many writers have talked about the fact that America seems to be in the midst of what is often called a civil war of values. Victor Davis Hanson provides an in-depth analysis of “The Origins of Our Second Civil War.” Globalization, he says, “had an unfortunate effect of undermining national unity.” While some became billionaires in high tech and finance, most other Americans lost out. To make matters worse, the elites blamed the losers, clingers, and deplorables for…

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March 17, 2020
The War on Humans

Kerby Anderson Are humans the enemy? Should animals have constitutional rights? Should peas be granted personhood? These questions may sound ludicrous. Nevertheless, professors and leaders in environmental rights groups are asking these questions and providing bizarre answers. Wesley J. Smith was on Point of View radio talk show to discuss his documentary “The War on Humans.” You can watch it on YouTube and also order the companion e-book. You will quickly see or read that these questions are not satire…

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March 16, 2020
Social Security banner

Kerby Anderson In a recent commentary, I mentioned that many radio listeners object to the fact that Social Security is considered an entitlement. After all, they argue, they paid into Social Security and Medicare. Now they are receiving a partial refund of money they paid into the system. While that is true for some people, it is not true for many others. Let’s look at the numbers. A credible analysis was done a few years ago by the Urban Institute….

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March 13, 2020
AOC, A Pressley, R Tlaib

Penna Dexter The House of Representatives Committee on Reform and Oversight held a hearing recently on what members called “the administration’s religious liberty assault on LGBT rights.”  New York Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is on this committee as are fellow “Squad” members, Rashida Tlaib of Michigan and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts. The hearing’s stated premise was that the Trump administration is protecting and increasing the religious liberty of religious “zealots” who are discriminating, violating so-called LGBT rights, in the name of…

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March 13, 2020

Kerby Anderson One time when I was speaking on the subject of entitlements, someone reminded me of the scene in the movie “Cinderella Man.” The scene is relevant to our current debate on entitlements. In the movie, Russell Crowe plays boxer James Braddock in the real-life story of a man who went from dockworker to champion. Braddock is living in a dingy tenement in New Jersey sharing little food with his wife and children. But even at this low point…

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March 12, 2020
Dennis Prager Prager U

Kerby Anderson In this highly politicized culture, we see that more and more people are called racist when using the label is inappropriate. Dennis Prager has been watching this and even seen the label used against him. His commentary not only tells his story but provides some insight on, Why the Left Calls Good People Racist. After he spoke at a Turning Point event, the vice provost for diversity at Purdue University claimed that Prager said “slavery was not bad.”…

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March 11, 2020
Taxed Enough Already

Kerby Anderson Many years ago, Walter Williams wrote a column with the controversial title “Gullible Americans.” I thought about it now that Democrats seem ready to nominate a candidate who is planning to raise taxes.  In his column, he reminded us that during the legislative debate about the 16th amendment, President William Taft and congressional supporters argued that only the rich would ever have to pay federal income taxes. When the amendment was enacted in 1913, only one-half of one…

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March 10, 2020

Kerby Anderson Has Christianity made a positive impact on Western civilization? Most Christians would respond positively, with wholehearted agreement. In the past, atheists have usually pointed to how religion has been abused and misused and rarely acknowledge the contribution of Christianity to society. Richard Dawkins is one of the most prominent New Atheists. Yet even he has begrudgingly admitted that a belief in God has made a difference. He expressed his fear that the removal of religion would be a…

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March 9, 2020
Life Counts-abortion-scotus

Kerby Anderson Credit goes to Senator Ben Sasse who has tried to get the US Senate to pass the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Act. This time, it was filibustered by 41 Democratic senators. Let me remind you that the bill would merely require doctors to provide medical care to infants who survive an attempted abortion. You might think that would be standard medical procedure. But you would be wrong. Some who oppose the bill counter that the legislation is unnecessary or…

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March 6, 2020
masked chinese clerk

Penna Dexter Even if you’d rather not worry about it — and you can certainly put me in that category — coronavirus is, if not front and center, at least brewing below the surface for most of us. On weekends, I read Peggy Noonan’s column. She’d planned on writing her latest piece about presidential politics: the South Carolina primary, Super Tuesday, etc. “But,” she wrote, “my mind kept tugging in another direction.” We can’t just say of this virus, it’s “over there” and…

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March 6, 2020

Kerby Anderson For the last approximately 100 years, Americans knew what type of person they wanted in the Oval Office. It was someone with executive experience. Most of the time it was a former governor, but sometimes they would settle for a general or even a business executive. The list is rather obvious. You had Governor Franklin D. Roosevelt, Governor Jimmy Carter, Governor Ronald Reagan, Governor Bill Clinton, and Governor George W. Bush. Add to that General Dwight Eisenhower, along…

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