Recent Viewpoints

January 31, 2020
Marriage in dictionary

Penna Dexter As the new year began, USA Today published a piece by two respected scholars on marriage. Dr. Ryan Anderson of Heritage Foundation and Professor Robbie George of Princeton outline the erosion of marriage over the past decade. They start with Barack Obama’s affirmation that “marriage unites a man and woman.” They take their readers through activist court rulings redefining marriage on to state ballot initiatives upholding marriage as between one man and one woman.  They describe President Obama’s…

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January 31, 2020
Frankfurt School - Birthplace of Cultural Marxism

Kerby Anderson If you do an online search of the term “cultural Marxism,” you will see a Wikipedia entry that dismisses it as a “conspiracy theory” that is supposedly trying to take over Western culture. Actually it is the dominant form of Marxism in America and in much of the West today. Dr. Paul Kengor was on Point of View radio talk show with me to talk about his recent article about cultural Marxism. He explained that cultural Marxism began about a…

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January 30, 2020
President Trump & Workers

Kerby Anderson When I talk about how well the economy is doing and how wages are increasing, I sometimes have a caller remark that they haven’t seen any improvement in their economic situation. That makes sense. A rising tide will lift all boats, but some boats rise faster than others. But the most recent economic numbers show that economic growth has been most beneficial to low-income workers. An editorial in the Wall Street Journal put some of the economic numbers…

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January 29, 2020
Evergreen state college

Kerby Anderson Just a few years ago, Evergreen State College was probably best known as the alma mater for rapper Macklemore and Matt Groening, the creator of The Simpsons. That all changed with an email biology professor Bret Weinstein sent. In the past, the school had a tradition known as the “National Day of Absence.” Usually, minority faculty and students leave the campus for a day to make a statement. But in 2017, the college wanted to change things and wanted white students and…

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January 28, 2020
abandon row house -baltimore-MD

Kerby Anderson Crime costs both victims and society a great deal. But the cost is much more than we realize. Professor Walter Williams documents the “Unappreciated Crime Costs” that especially hit black residents in low-income neighborhoods. Thousands of black Americans are murdered each year in cities like Chicago, Baltimore, Detroit, St. Louis and Philadelphia. He documents that over 90 percent of the time the perpetrator was also black. Crime also imposes a hefty tax on people in these neighborhoods, who…

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January 27, 2020

Kerby Anderson Most all media reports claim that the terrible brush fires in Australia have been made worse by climate change. That may be true in the broadest sense, but the reality is more complicated. Here are a few pieces of data to consider. Climatologist Roy Spencer reminds us that Australia has had a long history of brush fires going all the way back to the Aborigines. The record number of hectares burned on that continent occurred during the 1974-75…

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January 24, 2020
Uber Lyft independent contractor?

Penna Dexter A California law went into effect January 1 that hurts the very people it was supposed to “protect.” Assembly Bill 5 severely limits independent contracting by placing heavy restrictions on the amount of work freelancers can do before being considered full-time workers. The Daily Signal’s Jarrett Stepman explains that “The law was passed to reduce the negative impact of the ‘gig economy,’ where workers do various jobs on their own time but don’t get the benefits or long-term…

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January 24, 2020
Waters edge

Kerby Anderson Occasionally I use the phrase, “Politics stops at the water’s edge” when talking on radio. I really didn’t know the full history of the phrase until reading an editorial by former Senator Joe Lieberman. After World War II, Senator Arthur Vandenberg (a Michigan Republican who was chairman of the Foreign Relations Committee) formed a bipartisan partnership with President Harry Truman. He did so to help secure the postwar peace and strengthen the country’s position in the Cold War….

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January 23, 2020
Glacier-National-Park-Glaciers gone

Kerby Anderson One of the framed pictures in my office is a photograph I took at Glacier National Park when I was a teenager. I have always wanted to go back and photograph this beautiful place with a much better camera. I also wanted to go back so that I could take a picture of the signs that the park service put up predicting that all of the glaciers would be gone by 2020 due to climate change. In case you…

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January 22, 2020
Pro-Life Youth

Kerby Anderson Today is the anniversary of Roe v. Wade. When the Supreme Court removed most state restrictions on abortion back in 1973, who could have predicted the world we live in today? When the ruling came down, few understood the long-term implications. I remember speaking on the issue in college classrooms a few years later and wondering when the Supreme Court would reverse its decision. By the 1980s, it seemed like only a matter of time that abortion would…

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January 21, 2020
All is Well

Kerby Anderson Two weeks ago, it seemed like there might be a major confrontation between the US and Iran. Garrett Graff, writing in Wired, suggested that Twitter may have helped stop a war with Iran. That might be a bit of an overstatement, but it does illustrate how international conflict might be affected by something as simple as social media. He has written about the Cold War and reminds us how difficult communication was between Russia and the US during…

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