Kerby Anderson It is hard to imagine that very many Americans who voted for Donald Trump did so because of his foreign policy statements. And he has received lots of criticism for his mercurial foreign policy proposals. But he has brought economic and diplomatic pressure on three of America’s adversaries. In a recent column, Victor Davis Hanson sums up our current standoff with China, Iran, and North Korea. Trump’s critics described him as a Don Quixote “tilting at Chinese windmills”…
Recent Viewpoints
Kerby Anderson Science is headed into uncharted territory. That’s why we need a reliable science guide to navigate our journey. Dr. Michael Guillen provides that guidance in his book, The End of Life as We Know It. For years he was the Emmy award-winning science correspondent for ABC News. He was on my radio program to talk about the book and his truth tour. He addresses four areas of concern: the web, the robot, the spy, and the Frankenstein. He…
Kerby Anderson Every time Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg enters a hospital, speculation surfaces concerning her health and future. She is a cancer survivor who has occasionally missed oral arguments. But she isn’t about to step down because she (and other liberals) fear who would replace her. But there may be a reasonable solution to how presidents appoint justices to the Supreme Court. Perhaps it is time to consider term limits for the Supreme Court. Even though that sounds…
Penna Dexter Candidates on the far left are proposing to tax the rich — big time. They need revenue to fund their massive spending plans and also want to deliver their version of economic justice to the country. Senator Elizabeth Warren says, “we want to build an America that works for the people, not one that just works for rich folks.” She has unveiled tax proposals that, added together, would push federal tax rates for some multi-millionaires and billionaires above…
Kerby Anderson What is the American Creed? That is a question David Gelernter asks in his book, America-Lite. He has been on my radio program to talk about his book and his op-ed that appeared in the Wall Street Journal. He is a fascinating individual. He received two degrees in classical Hebrew literature, but then became a professor of computer science at Yale University. Some have called him a “rock star” in the world of computing. You might also remember…
Kerby Anderson The marriage rate in America has been in decline for many years. Consider that in the year 2000, married 25-to-34-year-olds outnumbered their never married peers (55% to 34%). By 2015, however, those percentages were almost reversed (40% to 53%). Young people are not getting married for a variety of reasons. Many economists argue that men are avoiding marriage because they have lower wages and want to increase their income before asking a woman to marry them. But the…
Kerby Anderson Major depression has “surged” in the US among younger Americans. That is according to a report based on medical and survey information conducted by Blue Cross Blue Shield. The survey looked at 41 million people covered under the insurance plan. Why the dramatic increase? Perhaps further study will give more definitive answers, but the report had some educated guesses. The researchers suspect that online activities, such as social media and video games, might be part of the problem….
Kerby Anderson Senator Josh Hawley gave a speech about American life that was a reminder of the social and cultural problems that don’t have an easy political fix. Columnist Michael Brendan Dougherty concludes that the Missouri senator might be “the most interesting thinker the U.S. Senate has seen since Daniel Patrick Moynihan.” The senator first denounced what he called the American “oligarchy.” We as a society feel lots of discontent, often bred by those in power. And it is a…
Kerby Anderson Most people had never heard of vote harvesting until some voting irregularities surfaced in the 2018 election. In North Carolina, a congressional election was overturned due to charges of illegal vote harvesting. In California, some unexpected losses by Republicans, especially in Orange County, were also attributed to the same issue. Vote harvesting occurs when a third party (like a campaign worker) collects absentee ballots from voters and delivers them to election officials. Hans von Spakovsky has served on…
Penna Dexter Chick-fil-A didn’t ask to become a culture war symbol. But it became one. The company endured years of hateful slurs from the LGBT left for the stance of its founders in support of biblical marriage and for the company foundation’s generosity toward Christian charities. Evangelicals and deplorables across the nation loved this Christian aura around Chick-fil-A and provided the momentum that has catapulted the company to its status as the third most profitable fast food chain in America,…
Kerby Anderson Liberal, progressive ideas have invaded nearly every academic discipline. But I assumed that such nonsense would never be applied to mathematics. I was wrong. A “Math Ethnic Studies” program was introduced this year in the Seattle public schools. Let’s hope that what happens in Seattle, stays in Seattle. A few commentators have been writing about this latest attempt at “woke mathematics” so I thought it was worth talking about. One writer said it is “chock full of social…