Kerby Anderson If the younger generation wants to know the keys to success, they need to follow the success sequence published by Bradford Wilcox and Wendy Wang. They say that the millennial generation is “more likely to flourish financially if they follow the “success sequence.” They say, you need to get at least a high school degree, work full-time, and marry before having any children, in that order. Their recent study at the American Enterprise Institute has the title, The…

Recent Viewpoints
Kerby Anderson It was a grand experiment. Declare a “War on Poverty” and years later celebrate a victory. Unfortunately, poverty won the war. The percentage of people in poverty today is just slightly lower than the percentage in the 1960s when the war to end poverty began. People living in poverty now are doing better than decades ago, but we certainly have not eliminated poverty. Peter Cove has a bold vision. The title of his book is, “Poor No More:…
Kerby Anderson Nicholas Phillips recently wrote about what he called “The Sham of American Centrism.” He tried to explain why former Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz would fail as a presidential candidate. While doing that, he cites a report for the Voter Study Group that helps explain the 2016 presidential election and may even predict the 2020 election. The study plotted a public opinion survey of the 2016 electorate along an X-Y graph. The X-axis represents economic views and the Y-axis…
Kerby Anderson Last year was a significant year in the field of biblical archaeology. One article in Christianity Today detailed “Biblical Archaeology’s Top 10 Discoveries.” Some were recent finds. Others were finds that new technology has helped read, inscriptions not previously visible. Here are a few examples. When ISIS terrorists captured Mosul, they blew up the tomb of the prophet Jonah. This uncovered the remains of a palace of the Assyrian King Esarhaddon. As one article put it, “ISIS Accidentally Corroborates…
Kerby Anderson In a recent PragerU video, former Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper talked about two different types of people. He described these two groups in order to explain why Donald Trump won in 2016. I will ignore his explanation and conclusion in this short commentary in order to focus on the impact of two people groups. He says there are many people who “can live anywhere” and many more people who have to “live somewhere.” David Goodhart makes this…
Penna Dexter Certain states have been seeking to pass legislation shoring up a woman’s right to obtain a late term abortion — up to the moment of birth. This — if we’re honest — reminds us, as a nation, that we’re killing children. Pastor John Piper has a way of demonstrating the obvious to make it even more obvious. He once took an abortionist to lunch armed with a ten-point spiel to convince him that “the unborn are human beings.”…
Kerby Anderson In the field of psychology, there is what has come to be known as the Dunning-Kruger effect. Most of us have observed this in people who don’t actually know a great deal but have this ignorant superiority. They either don’t have the ability or lack the self-awareness to know they are incompetent. The phenomenon was named by researchers who described a bank robber who covered his face in lemon juice thinking it would make him invisible to surveillance…
Image Credit: Rick McKee | The Augusta Chronicle December 29, 2015 | Kerby Anderson Turn on a television or open up a newspaper, and you will be treated to what can best be called climate change alarmism. We are told that we are headed for a climate catastrophe if we don’t act immediately. Of course, we have heard that before. Back in 1970, Harvard biologist George Wald predicted, “Civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action…
Kerby Anderson One of the hot ideas in the progressive world is the Green New Deal. It’s a term reminiscent of FDR’s New Deal of the 1930s but is even bolder in its approach. For the next year or so we will hear Democratic candidates talk about it and perhaps even include it in the 2020 Democratic platform. If people take a moment to sit down and read it, they would reject it. But since most of us don’t have…
Kerby Anderson The American Psychological Association recently identified another social problem that needs to be addressed by counselors: traditional masculinity. This new report once again illustrates that the APA is frequently driven by politics rather than science. The APA guidelines triggered an immediate online backlash. That led them to issue another statement and begin to redefine what they meant by “traditional masculinity.” The authors began by trotting out legitimate concerns about men who are sexually abusive or disrespectful. Here’s a…
Kerby Anderson When the governor of New York signed the Reproductive Health Act on the 46th anniversary of Roe v. Wade, it became another example of how abortion proponents are doubling down on abortion. Among other things it establishes a much more permissive standard by which a woman could get even a third-trimester abortion. Another example of the doubling down on abortion can be seen in the strong comments by the current head of Planned Parenthood. The previous president often argued…