Recent Viewpoints

September 26, 2018
Leftist does not equal liberal

Last week I talked about the difference between the terms “liberal” and “leftist.” I wanted to revisit that discussion because I have found that it helps explain what is happening in the political scene. The other day, I had someone say that she doesn’t even think there is a Democratic Party anymore. I think what she meant was that it doesn’t look anything like the political party she remembers when she was growing up. Yes, there have always been liberals…

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September 25, 2018
White supremacy signs?

Kerby Anderson Conspiracies have been around for centuries, but the Internet has made it much easier to promote a conspiracy that has the potential of going viral before rational people can begin to tamp down the hysteria. The older conspiracies were presented and promoted primarily by people who believed the government wasn’t telling the whole truth. The National Treasure series of movies and television shows like The X-Files probably even fed into some of that skepticism. The latest conspiracies are coming from…

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September 24, 2018
Quote by Thomas Sowell on Socialism

Kerby Anderson Whenever you are having a debate or discussion, it is essential that you define your terms. This is especially true in any discussion about socialism. Actor Jim Carrey recently said he was tired of hearing talk show commentators say that socialism is a failure. He concluded that, “We have to say yes to socialism: to the word and everything.” Anders Hagstrom (Daily Caller News Foundation) in one of his videos asks, “What does socialism mean to him?” He…

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September 21, 2018
rate of teen suicide

Penna Dexter New research reveals that the politically correct way we’re responding to teens who come out as transgender —  affirming that decision and “treating” them with puberty blockers and cross-sex hormones — is not helping them. In fact it’s increasing their suffering and is dangerous. Even faced with this evidence, the Left won’t see it that way. The new study titled “Transgender Adolescent Suicide Behavior” was published in the September issue of Pediatrics, the official peer-reviewed journal of the…

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September 21, 2018
Gettysburg Address Photo

Two weeks ago I happened to turn on a campaign rally where President Trump was speaking. As usual, he talked about “fake news” and made a statement that I knew would be criticized by historians. He said, “You know when Abraham Lincoln made the Gettysburg Address speech, the great speech, you know he was ridiculed.” The point he was making is that there was “fake news” then so we shouldn’t be surprised we have it today. He then went on…

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September 20, 2018
good-news!! Newspapers

Kerby Anderson One axiom in the news business is the reality that good news isn’t really news. Thousands of airplanes land safely. That is not news. An airplane crashes. That’s news. Because of this we rarely hear good news about our world. We certainly hear lots of bad news. This is especially true in an election year when challengers paint a dismal picture of our world so that you will elect them instead of the incumbents. After Jim Geraghty wrote…

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September 19, 2018
left or Liberal - Prager U

Kerby Anderson In our political discussions we often tend to use the terms “liberal” and “leftist” interchangeably along with other terms like “progressive.” Dennis Prager has provided a public service by defining and distinguishing the two. A year ago, he wrote about this and more recently put it in one of his Prager University videos. His argument is that traditional liberalism has far more in common with conservatism than it does with leftism. Here are just three examples he uses…

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September 18, 2018
Ostrich head in the sand

Early voting for the mid-term elections begins in a few weeks. That is why I had Eric Eggers on the Point of View radio talk show to discuss his book on voter fraud. He has put together lots of facts and statistics that election officials need to consider. The potential for mischief is very great. Approximately 248 counties in this country have more names on their voter rolls than the total number of people of voting age in those counties. That…

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September 17, 2018
Kavanaugh Confirmation Hearings

Kerby Anderson Later this week, the members of the Senate Judiciary Committee vote on the nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh. We may be treated to more of the antics that took place during the confirmation hearings. If so, that will provide yet one more reason why the Senate leadership should get rid of the confirmation hearings. Even when there aren’t all the theatrics, the confirmation hearings aren’t very helpful. This time you had Democrats ask Judge Kavanaugh essentially the same…

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September 14, 2018
Rubio - Ivanka - Paid Leave

Penna Dexter Family leave that allows mothers to take time off work when a baby is born is a time-honored policy in America. More recently, Dads have been receiving leave too. But traditionally, it’s either unpaid or paid by a person’s employer as a benefit. Some companies offer very generous paid family leave. Sometimes employees save up vacation or other paid time off and use it to stay home with a newborn or newly adopted child. Now, Senator Marco Rubio…

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September 14, 2018

Kerby Anderson Perhaps you have been involved in a political discussion with people and wondered how they could be so naïve about foreign policy or criminal justice because they just wanted to believe every person is basically good. Perhaps you have been sharing your faith with someone who rejected the idea of a savior because he or she rejected the idea of human sinfulness. So many people in America are naïve about human nature, evil, and sin because they live…

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