Kerby Anderson Over the last few months I have done a number of radio interviews dealing with sexual abuse and sexual harassment. During each program, I try to acknowledge the possibility that sometimes an allegation might be false. This is not to diminish the importance of speaking out but also acknowledge that sometimes there might be a false report. One prominent example is what has happened to Andy Puzder, who was originally put forward as President Trump’s nominee for Secretary…
Recent Viewpoints
Kerby Anderson Jonah Goldberg talks about “The Miracle” in his book, The Suicide of the West. The major focus of his book is on tribalism and populism, but he begins with a description and an explanation of the remarkable change in western societies in the last few centuries. “The Miracle is about more than economics, but economics is the best way to tell the story of humanity’s quantum leap out of its natural environment of poverty.” People used to live…
Kerby Anderson Who is the leader of the political left today? Many might say it is Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer or House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi. But if you asked who is the NEW leader of the political left many would probably say it is Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. She is the 28-year-old, self-proclaimed socialist who recently won a Democratic primary in New York’s 14th district in the Bronx. She has become the darling of political progressives and thus has attracted lots…
Penna Dexter If you are a middle child — or a parent of one of more middles — you are becoming increasingly rare. Every child born after the first and before the last is technically a middle. In an article in New York Magazine, culture editor Adam Sterrnbergh makes the startling revelation that the American Middle Child is now an endangered species. He explains the demographics: “As the ideal number of children per family has shrunk to two…the middle child, in…
Kerby Anderson Media critics have for years decried the proliferation of “fake news” and have been especially critical when quotes and comments were ripped out of context. J.J. McCullough recently wrote about another related issue that isn’t given enough coverage. A liberal press often runs photos that are “obviously ripped out of context.” Since he is a Canadian, McCullough begins his piece by talking about a deceptive photo of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and President Donald Trump. They are…
Kerby Anderson Liberals have been engaged in Nazi name-calling for more than a half-century. It has been a way to vilify and marginalize Republican candidates and their conservative supporters. Harry Truman claimed his 1948 Republican opponent, Thomas Dewey, was a “front man” for fascists. During the 1964 presidential campaign, the governor of California suggested Republican candidate Barry Goldwater had “the stench of fascism.” Two years later Ronald Reagan replaced him as governor and was called a Nazi so many times…
Kerby Anderson We seem to be witnessing the decline of governmentally sanctioned compelled speech. Three Supreme Court decisions and the prospect of a new justice on the high court are the reasons. As we discuss so often on the Point of View Radio Talk Show compelled speech is perhaps the worst form of anti-free-speech. It is bad enough to censor an American citizen from being able to express his or her opinion. But it is even worse to force an American…
Kerby Anderson Nigeria is one of the most dangerous places in the world to be a Christian. The phrase used most often to describe what is happening to Christians in Nigeria is “pure genocide.” Nigeria is a country divided. The north is predominantly Muslim. The South has many more Christians. In the north and elsewhere, Christians have been killed and maimed in what Open Doors calls “religious cleansing.” Muslims are attempting to eradicate Christianity from the country. The greatest threat…
Kerby Anderson There has been lots of fear mongering from the Left about how the newly constituted Supreme Court would rule on various social issues. Justices that attempt to apply the original intent of the Constitution to legal issues are called originalists. Here are a few suggestions about how an originalist court might rule on cases before it. Abortion – Despite the fears being spread that the next court would overturn Roe v. Wade, there isn’t any likelihood it will…
Penna Dexter Prominent abortion-rights advocate, Cecille Richards, recently stepped down from the helm of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. Having served as the organization’s president for 12 years, she’s now pouring herself into electoral politics, especially the midterm elections. Ms. Richards solidified Planned Parenthood’s role as a political powerhouse. This year Planned Parenthood’s political action sub-groups are conducting their biggest-ever push to elect abortion-rights supporters in Congress and in key states. The American Civil Liberties Union, which recently honored Richards…
Kerby Anderson Our nation’s intelligence gathering is in the news, so I read with interest a transcript of a speech Herbert Meyer did for a Hillsdale College leadership seminar. He served as a special assistant to the Director of Central Intelligence and was the Vice Chairman of the CIA’s National Intelligence Council. Meyer reminds us that “From the end of World War II until 1982, every president’s objective had been not to lose the Cold War.” When President Ronald Reagan…