Kerby Anderson Two years ago, I did a commentary about a Christian T-shirt company that was sued because the owner declined to print a message that conflicted with his biblical perspective. I recently found out much more about Blaine Adamson and wanted to tell you the rest of his story. Five years ago, a customer who came to his company, Hands on Originals, sued him when he declined to print a message that promoted homosexuality. Blaine says that he got…
Recent Viewpoints
Kerby Anderson This month 15 Democratic senators signed on to what has been dubbed “Medicare for All.” The bill was introduced by Senator Bernie Sanders and is an attempt to promote nationalized health care by linking it to a relatively popular governmental program. The name sounds like something created and tested in a focus group. “Medicare for All” sounds nice, but it could just as easily be called “VA for All.” But with all the problems at government-run VA hospitals,…
Penna Dexter U.S. Secretary of Education Betsy De Vos announced she’ll roll back an Obama-era guidance document that weakened due process rights of those accused of sexual assault on college campuses. Under this guidance, school, not law enforcement authorities, are tasked with determining an accused student’s guilt and punishment. Colleges and universities refusing to set up tribunals for this purpose have been threatened with loss of federal funding. Under this system, accused students who are innocent often face biased, unfair…
Kerby Anderson Overall it has been a disappointing summer for Hollywood, but one movie recently provided a significant bump in box offices sales. The movie It is an adaptation of Stephen King’s 1986 novel and broke many box office records for September. Why is a scary movie doing so well in theaters? There are many theories. First, there was the buildup to the movie after the first trailer was released in March. It set a record with 197 million global…
Kerby Anderson According to a new U.S. Census Bureau report, the millennial generation has been reversing some of the social trends that were true of previous generations. For example about one third of all millennials still live with their parents. They also apparently rely on them financially as well. The millennial generation is also postponing marriage, having children later, and buying homes later. Instead, they are pursuing education and various job opportunities. Many of these reversed trends have taken place…
Kerby Anderson Last week the president’s Commission on Election Integrity met in New Hampshire. Why did they meet in that state? There is good evidence that voter fraud in New Hampshire affected both the presidential election and a U.S. Senate election. Both of these elections were close. Hillary Clinton defeated Donald Trump in New Hampshire by 2,736 votes out of 745,000 cast. The incumbent U.S. senator was defeated by a mere 1,017 votes. The Granite State has same-day registration. That…
Kerby Anderson Now that the violent left-wing group Antifa is getting needed attention in the media, we face a labeling problem. Some conservative commentators have called them a domestic terrorist group. We now know from an article that appeared in Politico that the Obama administration through the Department of Homeland Security concluded that Antifa engaged in “domestic terrorist violence.” Jonah Goldberg rightly explains that we should not call this group of street thugs a terrorist group. They are violent, but…
Kerby Anderson Liberal U.S. Senators keep asking religious questions of nominees that come before their committee. Article VI of the Constitution prohibits religious tests for public office but that hasn’t stopped some of these senators. Three months ago Senators Bernie Sanders and Chris Van Hollen questioned a nominee for deputy director of the Office of Management and Budget. You have thought they would have asked Russell Vought about fiscal and budgetary issues. Instead they focused their questioning on a post…
Penna Dexter Daily, we grieve over the bad news of hurricane devastation. Perhaps it’s time for some good news. Here’s some: The Washington Post’s Robert Samuelson writes: “The middle-class comeback may be the year’s most underreported story.” The 2008-2009 financial crisis and the ensuing recession hit America’s middle class hard. Many Americans lost jobs. Many lost homes through foreclosure. And many accumulated debt to get through the crisis. But things have improved, dramatically. In a column entitled, “The Quiet Comeback…
Kerby Anderson Will orthodox, Bible-believing Christians find it harder and harder to buy and sell in America? If you asked that question a few decades ago, people would think you lost all rationality. But that is a question Rod Dreher rightly asks in a recent editorial. He points to the decision by Vanco Payment Solutions to cut off services to a Christian ministry because it is listed on the Southern Poverty Law Center’s “Hate Map.” The Ruth Center is a…
Kerby Anderson Last week, some Texas churches and a synagogue devastated by Hurricane Harvey floodwaters sued the Federal Emergency Management Agency. They did so because they believed they should have access to disaster relief funds. Their argument is fairly simple. Other non-profit organizations are eligible for these federal funds, but are denied to religious groups. They believe they should have equal access to these disaster relief grants. This lawsuit follows the 7-2 ruling by the Supreme Court in the Trinity…