Recent Viewpoints

April 2, 2024
US Capitol Dome through smokes from the Capital Power Plant 2014

Kerby Anderson Bjorn Lomborg reminds us, “More than one million people die in traffic accidents globally each year.” He says we could solve that problem by having governments reduce speed limits to 3 miles an hour. Of course, we will never do that because you need to consider other factors. He makes that point to illustrate that the mantra “follow the science” does not allow a rational evaluation of cost and benefit. “That assertion lets politicians obscure—and avoid responsibility for—lopsided…

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April 1, 2024
stay at home order

Kerby Anderson Four years ago, we heard the announcement about “15 days to slow the spread.” The anniversary of that campaign brought many articles. Scott Atlas wrote about “Covid Lessons Learned, Four Years Later.” John Stossel did a YouTube video and follow-up commentary on “Covid: Don’t Let Them Off the Hook.” Scott Atlas reminded us that the benefits of the lockdowns were tiny. It supposedly prevented some deaths, but those numbers are very small when compared to the number of…

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March 29, 2024

Penna Dexter This true story has a positive ending. But it never should have happened. Dr. Johnson Varkey is a biology teacher, adjunct professor at St. Philip’s College in San Antonio, Texas.    He was fired for stating a fact of human biology: that sex is determined by X and Y chromosomes.   I learned in 9th grade that females have two X chromosomes in their cells, while males have one X and one Y. For 18 years, Dr. Varkey taught…

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March 29, 2024
Crown of thorns with blood dripping, nails on stone - Good Friday

Kerby Anderson Today is Good Friday. On this day, believers around the world commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. We all understand that. What most of us don’t understand is why this dark day in which Jesus suffered and died is called “Good Friday.” Why isn’t it called Bad Friday or Dark Friday? Over the years, people have put forward various theories. Some argue that it is called Good Friday because something good came about because of the death, burial,…

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March 28, 2024

Kerby Anderson The latest research shows that Christian parents are sending mixed signals to their kids about living the Christian life. More than a decade ago, Probe Ministries surveyed born-again millennials and found that if parents had an inconsistent biblical view, their children would also have an inconsistent view. The only major exception to that would be for kids who got involved with a campus Christian ministry and grew in their faith. The latest research by George Barna illustrates this…

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March 27, 2024
blurred space aliens

Kerby Anderson I have found that most speakers can tell you what question they receive most often. Melissa Cain Travis was on my radio program recently and said her most asked question is about the possibility of extraterrestrials. That makes sense since she often speaks on science topics that include a discussion of the vastness of the universe. The quick answer is that Scripture is silent on the possibility of other intelligent life forms in the universe. She reminds her…

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March 26, 2024
graph - perception vs reality

Kerby Anderson For most of us, perception is reality. But there is mounting evidence that the perceptions of most Americans aren’t even close to reality. Two months ago, I talked on my radio program about a survey done by YouGov, an international research, data, and analytics group. I didn’t do a commentary on it at the time because there were so many other topics in the news. But now that the graph is showing up on social media sites, it’s…

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March 25, 2024
sowell-a self made man

Kerby Anderson I go to bookstores frequently, but I don’t ever venture into the area of books for children. But a recent video and column by John Stossel has changed that. “Go into Barnes & Noble,” says Bethany Mandel, “and you will be met with a wall of biographies. Probably 27 different books about former Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg.” She also talks about lots of books about Kamala Harris. But what about biographies on conservatives like Margaret Thatcher…

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March 22, 2024
Ewe & Lamb - Irish Blessing

Penna Dexter Last week Vice President Kamala Harris traveled to Minneapolis to visit an abortion clinic. The Washington Post reports that this is ”believed to be the first time an American president or vice president has toured such a facility while in office.” Even pro-abortion administrations have never considered it good campaign strategy to showcase an abortion mill. Until now. The trip to Minnesota was the sixth stop on Vice President Harris’s “Fight for Reproductive Freedoms” tour. It took place…

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March 22, 2024
Book Cover - Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up

Kerby Anderson Even after millions died worldwide from Covid-19, there still seems to be little interest on the part of the media and most politicians in uncovering how the pandemic happened. Senator Rand Paul is the exception and has written, Deception: The Great Covid Cover-Up. He says we shouldn’t be surprised that the totalitarian government of the Chinese Communist Party engaged in a cover-up. But we should be concerned with the cover-up that took place in this country. He documents…

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March 21, 2024
Sistine Chapel God finger touches Adam

Kerby Anderson One of the slogans we often hear from radical environmentalists is that there are too many people on the planet. Once someone makes that statement, it is worth asking, what do you propose we do about it? Usually, they suggest we reduce the population by reducing the fertility rate. Of course, that has been happening in every developed country. As I mentioned in my December commentary, one of my professors in graduate school was a co-founder of Zero…

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