Recent Viewpoints

October 28, 2016

Kerby Anderson In a thought-provoking new e-book, Christian Overman addresses the important issue of The Lost Purpose for Learning. He begin with a 19th century quote from Princeton theologian A.A. Hodge: “It is self-evident that on this scheme, if it is consistently and persistently carried out in all parts of the country, the United States system of natural popular education will be the most efficient and wide instrument for the propagation of Atheism which the world has ever seen.” This…

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October 27, 2016

Kerby Anderson More and more Americans believe in pluralism and many believe in universalism. First, let me define the terms. Universalism would be the belief that everyone will be saved after death and go to heaven. Pluralism is the belief that all faith positions and belief systems are equally true or essentially true. According to a Barna survey, Americans are still not embracing universalism. A majority of Americans still believe in exclusive views rather than inclusive views concerning heaven. Those…

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October 26, 2016

Kerby Anderson Often during these political campaigns, candidates talk about the cost of government regulations. It is hard to get a good estimate, but one report from the Heritage Foundation, provides an estimate of the costs. It seems that while politicians are reaching into your pocket to tax you, they are using the other hand to impose heavy costs through regulation. You may think that you are exempt from federal regulations, unless you run a corporation or own a business….

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October 25, 2016

Kerby Anderson The Environmental Protection Agency recently unveiled an online tool that is supposed to help local officials see the dangers of climate change in their community. The Climate Change Adaptation Resource Center provides a map that warns of the danger of climate change to each of the eight regions of the United States. These dire warnings were too much for Dr. William M. Briggs who has been questioning many of the claims of climate change activists. In his column,…

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October 24, 2016
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Kerby Anderson Over the years, I have talked about how social media like Facebook and YouTube have sometimes censored conservative and Christian content. Facebook, for example, a few years ago pulled a page by former Governor Mike Huckabee that called for a “Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day.” Later it was added back to Facebook. Lila Rose had her investigative reports on Planned Parenthood pulled from YouTube. And I might mention that the Apple store sometimes has pulled iPhone apps for groups like…

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October 21, 2016

Penna Dexter An important book landed at #1 this summer on the non-fiction New York Times bestseller list. It’s currently #3. Its title is  Hillbilly Elegy: A Memoir of a Culture and Family in Crisis. This book is important right now because it helps us understand the lives of a people, a whole culture in Appalachia whose circumstances and problems weigh heavily in this election cycle. The author, J.D. Vance, is 31 years old. He was born and grew up…

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October 21, 2016

Twenty years ago, no nation on earth endorsed legal same-sex marriage. Now same-sex marriage is everywhere. How did this happen? That is what Dr. Albert Mohler attempts to answer in his new book, We Cannot Be Silent. He was on my radio program to talk about his book. He explains that this didn’t start with same-sex marriage. First, we had a sexual revolution. Initially some of the legal and cultural battles were over issues like birth control and contraception. America…

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October 20, 2016

The editorial drumbeat against guns continues while the evidence mounts that gun deaths are decreasing. Two articles from last week illustrated these contradictory claims. The editorial board of the New York Times attacked what is called the “fantasy” that carrying a concealed weapon makes you safer. Meanwhile, Pew Research reported that the “nation’s overall gun death rate has decline 30% since 1993.” The New York Times editorial cited statistics from the Violence Policy Center that “since 2007, at least 763…

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October 19, 2016

Numerous surveys suggest that the millennial generation is quite willing to reject the Bible and Christian faith. In the past, it was seen as a road map for life. Now, if it is considered at all, is often seen as merely a book of suggestions. Ken Ham’s latest book, Ready to Return, documents this secular trend and provides recommendations on how to reverse this trend. The book is the third book in a trilogy. The first book, Already Gone, showed…

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October 18, 2016
crime scene tape

When a cold-case detective decides to use his analytical skills to evaluate the Bible or the evidence for God, it can be a fascinating journey. In his previous book, Cold Case Christianity, J. Warner Wallace applied time-tested investigative tools and techniques to evaluate the claims of the gospels. This time his book, God’s Crime Scene, applies those same techniques to examine the universe as a crime scene. He invites the reader to sit on a jury as he makes a…

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October 17, 2016

How bad is the economy? Many people believe it is still in bad shape. Others don’t see any problem. They will point to a low unemployment rate, record corporate profits, and a booming stock market. The difference in perspective is explained in a recent column on, Why This Feels Like a Depression for Most People. It begins with this simple observation. “Everyone has seen the pictures of the unemployed waiting in soup lines during the Great Depression. When you try…

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