Recent Viewpoints

May 9, 2016

By Kerby Anderson Much has been written about Target’s policy for restrooms and fitting rooms. I think Glenn Stanton’s recent column was the most insightful. It would hard to accuse him of being anti-gay since his latest book has the title, “Loving My LGBT Neighbor.” His critique goes on for five pages, but here is a brief summary of it. First, single-sex bathrooms weren’t discriminatory yesterday. Earlier this year, Target received a glowing 100 percent rating from the Human Rights…

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May 6, 2016

I’m not much of a boycotter. It’s hard to break entrenched shopping habits and I’m never sure how much it really accomplishes. But once in awhile a targeted (no pun intended) boycott is called for. The boycott of Target stores is such a case. Target recently announced that, in their stores, transgender individuals can use the bathroom of the gender they identify with. Target spokeswoman Molly Snyder says the policy has been in place for several years. But Target’s proud…

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May 4, 2016

By Kerby Anderson The next time you see a story about alleged discrimination, you might stop and consider whether the story is true. There seems to be an increase in the number of hoaxes being promoted by social justice advocates. The latest was the claim by a homosexual pastor in Austin that someone at Whole Foods put a gay slur on his cake. Whole Foods claims it did not happen, has video to back up their claim, and are taking…

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May 2, 2016

By Kerby Anderson While politicians and critics debate the merits of so-called “bathroom bills,” it might be worth considering what medical experts are saying about gender and sexuality. The American College of Pediatricians issued a temporary statement in March and will follow up with a full statement this summer. You can’t say they were guilty of burying their lead. The title of their statement was: “Gender Ideology Harms Children.” Here are some of the eight points they make in their…

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April 29, 2016
baby feet

By Penna Dexter Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn from Tennessee really did her homework in preparing for hearings before the committee she chairs: the House Select Investigative Panel on Infant Lives. This committee is looking into revelations that Planned Parenthood is likely profiting from the sale of the body parts of aborted babies, in violation of federal law. The Committee is also inquiring into whether the companies procuring the parts from abortion centers — including many Planned Parenthood clinics — and selling…

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April 29, 2016

Debate about climate change has moved into a new and dangerous phase. Earlier this month, seventeen state Attorneys General and Al Gore got together to plan how they will use the prosecutorial power of their state offices to investigate groups that question the claims of climate change. This should concern all of us. The editors of National Review said that aggressively using these prosecutorial powers “should raise an entire May Day parade’s worth of red flags: Prosecutors are in the…

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April 27, 2016
Paypal headquarters

by Kerby Anderson Yesterday I talked about corporate bullies that have been threatening boycotts in order to get states like Georgia, North Carolina, and Mississippi to veto legislation they believe is discriminatory. Anyone who would take the time to read some of the laws would see that is not the case. Rarely is any part of the bill cited. Often when it is, that section of the bill is taken out of context. So why are these corporations taking time…

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April 26, 2016

Kerby Anderson I believe that corporations should stay out of the culture wars. Unfortunately,companies like Apple and PayPal just can’t help themselves. In doing so they leave themselves open to three different forms of hypocrisy and double standards. First, they focus on states in America but turn a blind eye to what is happening overseas. PayPal canceled its plan to build a global operations center in Charlotte, North Carolina. On the other hand, PayPal built a global operations center in Malaysia. The country’s…

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April 25, 2016

By Kerby Anderson Last Monday the Supreme Court heard oral arguments on the immigration case against President Obama. The lower courts ruled that the president acted unilaterally in issuing his order that would allow as many as 5 million illegal aliens to remain in the United States without any fear of deportation. The issue at stake is much larger than immigration and deportation. What is at stake was whether the president could issue executive orders that bypass the legislative process….

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April 22, 2016

By Penna Dexter The Georgia state House and Senate recently passed the Free Exercise Protection Act which offered protections for clergy and faith-based employers to adhere to the tenets of their faith in what they do, and allow to be done, on their property. One state senator, William Ligon, explained in the Wall Street Journal that in light of the Supreme Court’s decision legalizing same-sex marriage, “Georgia’s lawmakers wanted to be clear that our state’s protections for religious liberty have…

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April 22, 2016

By Kerby Anderson Lots of people lately have been giving their opinion about tax avoidance. The president criticized corporate “inversions” and told these companies to stop “gaming the system.” Lynn Woolley says that the recent Panama Papers scandal proves that tax avoidance is the American Way. Merrill Matthews says tax avoidance is patriotic. First, let‘s start with some definitions. The IRS says that avoidance of taxes is not a criminal offense. It is what anyone tries to do to avoid…

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