In nearly every one of the presidential campaigns you hear lots of doom and gloom. And I agree that there are many things in this country that need to be fixed. But it is also worth remembering that things are better than we know. David Harsanyi reminds us that in many ways, we never had it so good. He argues that we have lost any sense of context. Let’s compare our current situation to the Great Depression. Let’s compare our…

Recent Viewpoints
As we get closer to April 15, more and more Americans hope they don’t have to deal with the IRS and an audit of their tax returns. But some Americans have had to deal with the IRS for years just to get a tax-exempt status. You may remember the IRS scandal from five years ago. Congress demanded answers, and the IRS and other political officials said the problem was just a few rogue employees in Ohio. Congress asked for the…
Every year the Ruling Class in America takes more power away from the people by seizing control of the government. Lawrence Lindsey writes about this in his new book, Conspiracies of the Ruling Class. The irony is that many people might actually think he is part of the Ruling Class. He has served as a Federal Reserve Governor, Harvard professor, and assistant to three presidents. That is why the observations in his book are so powerful. He documents the shift…
If you have wondered how so many evangelicals can vote for Donald Trump, you are not alone. Many commentators admit that it is one of the most puzzling aspects of the 2016 presidential campaign. Donald Trump lost the evangelical vote to Ted Cruz in Iowa, but has done well with evangelical voters since then. Ralph Reed in a recent column attempts to bring some light to the subject. He first explains that Donald Trump isn’t doing any better among evangelical…
We are all familiar with the racial controversies that developed at the University of Missouri. In the end, the chancellor and the president resigned. Once that happened, it was easy to see that the controversy and the subsequent resignations would have a detrimental impact on student enrollment. Apparently, this caught the university off guard. Fox Sports was able to obtain a copy of the interim chancellor’s letter to the university community. “I am writing to you today to confirm that…
Pastor and author Max Lucado has written lately about decency as it relates to the presidential election. Decency is sort of a minimum demand we make on many of our relationships. Max Lucado writes of his three daughters and how he “reserved the right to interview their dates.” He’d want to know: Did the young man “behave in a decent manner? Would he treat my daughter with kindness and respect? Could he be trusted to bring her home on time?…
Why do so many candidates talk about their humble upbringing and sometimes even pretend to be poor? Let’s face it. Most of the presidential candidates this year are quite rich. They pay more in taxes each year than most of us make in a year. Still they tell us a story that sounds like it was taken from a biography of Abraham Lincoln. Other commentators have noticed this. Victor Davis Hanson refers to them as “Log-Cabin Candidates” and Ian Tuttle…
During this presidential campaign, we have heard references to Sweden and other Scandinavian countries. Senator Bernie Sanders says, “I think we should look to countries like Denmark, like Sweden, and Norway and learn from what they have accomplished for their working people.” Many European countries have gained the reputation of being very wealthy even though they are highly regulated and have high rates of taxation. Various studies have attempted to show this is not true. Last year there was a…
Many people are prevented from getting a job or starting a business because of state requirements for occupational licensing. In Nevada, for example, it takes six years to become a licensed interior designer. The educational and experience requirement for barbers is more than two years. An unlikely coalition of progressives and conservatives joined forces at a recent Senate Judiciary subcommittee meeting headed by Republican Senator Mike Lee and Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar. They heard testimony from the Obama administration officials…
Two questions I hear with some regularity are: What is the FBI going to do? And when is the FBI going to do it? The questions surround the current investigation into Hillary Clinton’s emails and apparent disregard for national security. As I have mentioned in the previous commentaries, other people have been indicted for much less. The Democratic debates and primaries are taking place right now. And the Democratic National Convention takes place a few months from now in July….
The presidential candidacy of Bernie Sanders has created an interesting debate about Democratic socialism. One of the most interesting has been the back and forth on Garry Kasparov’s Facebook page. He is a former Soviet citizen and World Chess Champion. He is now a political activist dedicated to setting the record straight about Russia and communism. Some of the supporters of the Bernie Sanders argued that socialism would be a good thing for America. Garry Kasparov would have none of…