Whenever the subject of Social Security comes up in a political debate or campaign, you are likely to hear a candidate lament that the Social Security System is really the National Ponzi System. Is that an accurate description of America’s retirement system? Here are the facts. You decide. The name Ponzi Scheme comes from the illegal actions of Charles Ponzi who duped thousands of people in the New England area. He encouraged them to invest in postage stamp speculation. Originally…

Recent Viewpoints
Americans still believe in the First Amendment. The 2015 annual survey found that three-fourths (75%) do not believe the First Amendment goes too far in the rights it guarantees. That is a significant jump from the 57 percent last year brought about by the Boston Marathon bombing and questions about media coverage of the tragedy. Gene Policinski is the chief operating officer of the Newseum Institute and the Institute’s First Amendment Center. He was also one of the founding editors…
Immigration is in the news these days, but not for the typical reasons. Usually, we are discussing immigration reform because a bill has been filed or a “Gang of 8” has decided to push legislation forward. Immigration is in the news these days for three very different reasons. Ann Coulter has a new book out with the provocative title, Adios, America. And speaking of provocative, we certainly have heard lots comments about Donald Trump’s statements in his campaign kickoff speech….
Mention the word appeasement, especially when talking about foreign policy, and most people rightly assume that appeasement leads to more aggression. But it can also be said that compromise with many homosexual activists becomes the same thing as appeasement. Jonah Goldberg illustrated this first with a children’s book and then with the fallout from the Supreme Court decision on same sex marriage. He reads the book, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, to his daughter. The theme is simple:…
When Greece decided to default on its payment to the International Monetary Fund, there were all sorts of economic commentaries. As accurate as they were, they usually don’t tell the whole story from a demographic perspective. Let me tell that story. Actually, I could rightly say, let me retell that story. Some of my commentaries five years ago were predicting these events when you look at the fertility rate and the welfare state. The national fertility rate in Greece is…
There aren’t many times in life when a person hopes, really hopes, and prays fervently that they are wrong about something. Now is one of those times for me. I had hoped that if same-marriage were ever forced on the nation, as it now has been, the Left would be content with the victory and find a way to co-exist with people who don’t agree. That advocates for gay rights would exhibit the same tolerance they are asking for. But…
Here’s a suggestion. Read Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution and then compare it to the government we have today. The framers set forth what is the legitimate role for the federal government. You will find that it does give the government power to collect taxes and duties. It is required to provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States. It can coin money, establish post offices and roads. That’s about it. Professor Walter Williams…
Whenever we have a shooting in America, there is the inevitable call for more gun control. And the focus is usually on the guns rather than the people who are using the guns. In his new book, American Contempt for Liberty, professor and columnist Walter Williams has a previously published column asking, “Are Guns the Problem?” He reminds us of a few historical facts. A century ago, the National Rifle Association helped establish 73 NRA-affiliated high school rifle clubs. I…
The death penalty is dying a slow death. Last month, Nebraska became the 19th state in the country to end the practice of capital punishment. The legislature voted to abolish the death penalty and was able to override the veto of the governor. Columnist George Will reminds us, “Nebraska is not a nest of liberals.” When a conservative state like Nebraska abolishes the death penalty we should take note. For many years, liberals and progressives have opposed the death penalty…
Congress may soon have a debate about tax exemptions. Senator Mike Lee has introduced the First Amendment Defense Act. This would protect religious institutions from losing their tax-exempt status if they don’t support same sex marriage. On the other side is Mark Oppenheimer who recently wrote that, “Now’s the Time To End Tax Exemptions for Religious Institutions.” Bob Jones University lost its tax-exempt status in the 1980s because the school policies at that time violated “fundamental national public policy.” It…
Words mean something, especially in a landmark court case dealing with the legalization of same sex marriage. Justice Anthony Kennedy writing for the majority of the Supreme Court acknowledged that: “religions, and those who adhere to religious doctrines, may continue to advocate with utmost, sincere conviction that, by divine precepts, same sex marriage should not be condoned.” In his opinion, he pointed to the First Amendment that “ensures that religious organizations and persons” be “given proper protection as they seek…