Recent Viewpoints

August 24, 2023
locked bank vault

Kerby Anderson The latest tool of those involved in the cancel culture has been the use of “debanking.” This occurs when a prominent individual or organization is informed by their bank that they will no longer be allowed to use banking services. Nigel Farage faced such a statement from his bank in the UK because he was perceived as a politically exposed person (PEP) due to his previous involvement in Brexit. The bank argued that their decision to close his…

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August 23, 2023
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Kerby Anderson I recently saw an interview with E.B. Tucker, who usually talks about the economy and investments. He referred to a recent article about “The Good Old Days of 2023” in which he encouraged all of us to enjoy our families and our freedom. The reason he wants us to enjoy ourselves now is due to his fear of a future digital dystopia, which he locates ten years from now. The Tesla 6000 we drive drops us at the…

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August 22, 2023
US flag painted on wall - cracked broken.png

Kerby Anderson In this country, we have a division between the elite and the rest of society. In a recent op-ed in the New York Times, David Brooks asks a question of this elite class: “What if We’re the Bad Guys Here?” He has his peers consider a different story. “This story begins in the 1960s, when high school grads had to go off to fight in Vietnam, but the children of the educated class got college deferments. It continues…

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August 21, 2023
Snooze button

Kerby Anderson This country received a financial downgrade earlier this month. In one sense it was justified. In another, it was absurd. Fitch Ratings reduced America’s financial status because of the increasing amount of national debt piled up by Congress and the president. This is no small issue. The other day, I read that nearly all (98%) nations that have surpassed a 130 percent debt-to-GDP ratio in the last 225 years eventually defaulted. We exceeded that percentage for a short…

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August 18, 2023

Penna Dexter They said the movie, Barbie, is ‘subversive.’ Woke. Promotes feminism. But I couldn’t hate it. It was too clever and beautiful. And genuinely funny. A parody of feminism, Barbie, and Mattel itself. The opening scene takes place on a rocky beach where little girls are playing tea party with baby dolls. Barbie appears — larger than life — in her black and white striped bathing suit. Awestruck, the girls smash their baby dolls on the rocks. A jarring…

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August 18, 2023
St. Patricks Cathedral NYC - sm

Kerby Anderson Tim Busch begins his commentary with this quote: “We don’t want to convert the young people to Christ or to the Catholic Church or anything like that.” He then asks, who said this? Not an atheist. Not a defender of the separation of church and state. Not even a member of another religion. It was spoken by a leader in the Catholic church. No matter what your denominational background (Catholic, Protestant, etc.), you can probably see the issue….

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August 17, 2023
The Great Reset

Kerby Anderson Is the idea of “The Great Reset” merely a conspiracy theory? That seems unlikely given the fact that if you type in those three words in a search engine, you will find more than 900 million hits. Last year the founder of the World Economic Forum co-authored and published a book called COVID-19: The Great Reset. The authors see the current situation in the world as a means of dealing with the “weaknesses of capitalism” supposedly exposed during…

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August 16, 2023
digital spy - watch listen

Kerby Anderson Let me introduce you to a word that is probably new to you but will probably be used much more in the future. Decades ago, when I talked about concepts like “secular humanism” or the “New Age Movement” on radio, I think most listeners wondered why I was talking about such philosophical concepts. But they soon learned how important they were. The word is “panopticon.” It is used in two YouTube videos I’ve seen and is used many…

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August 15, 2023
God is Back

Kerby Anderson Belief in God is back. That is the claim that Justin Brierley makes in his book, The Surprising Rebirth of Belief in God. He was on my radio program recently to talk about his book that will be out next month. He has welcomed atheists and agnostics on his Unbelievable program and heard the arguments against the Christian faith. He has also noticed that these arguments, often voiced by the New Atheists, have not made the impact these…

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August 14, 2023
Street Smarts book cover

Kerby Anderson Greg Koukl was on my radio program recently and has a book coming out next month that will help you better engage non-believers in conversations on several different topics. The title of the book is Street Smarts and is a follow-up to his best-selling book, Tactics. His Tactics book has been so helpful to Christians. It equips them to be diplomatic by asking questions that not only gather important information but also help point out logical flaws with…

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August 11, 2023
Supreme Court 2023

Penna Dexter The United States Senate is considering legislation that would require the Supreme Court to set up a code of conduct, tighten financial disclosure rules, and bolster recusal requirements for justices. The bill would allow individual complaints against justices. Each complaint would be adjudicated by a “judicial investigation panel” of 5 chief judges from the circuit courts. The proposed bill violates the US Constitution’s separation of powers. Supreme Court  justices police their own financial disclosures and make their own…

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