Recent Viewpoints

March 2, 2023
Slave labor to mine Cobalt

Kerby Anderson The proposed mandate for electric cars has a tragic human cost that most Americans know almost nothing about. Professor Siddharth Kara writes about it in his book, Cobalt Red. Mark Mills wrote an excellent three-page summary of the book so that you might be spared the horror of reading about what take place in cobalt mines. Cobalt is necessary for lithium batteries in electric cars, but also essential for smartphones, laptops, and a variety of toys. Three-fourth of…

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March 1, 2023
Big Government - tipping point?

Kerby Anderson The current debate about the federal budget centers on whether the government is too big and too inefficient. Most Republicans argue that the federal government is too big. Many Democrats ask: “Where is your evidence that government has grown too big?” John DiIulio is a co-author of a significant book about American government. He explains that government grows larger by using three types of what can be called “administrative proxies.” The first are state and local governments. The…

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February 28, 2023
Gas Stove burner

Kerby Anderson The gas stove controversy last month illustrates how the establishment media uses a controversy to malign conservative media and members of Congress. You may remember how it started. The commissioner of the Consumer Product Safety Commission warned that 40 percent of US homes have a “hidden hazard.” He went on to explain, “Products that can’t be made safe can be banned.” Many in the conservative media warned that gas stoves could be banned. Senators Ted Cruz (a Republican)…

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February 27, 2023
Censorship by FBI - TWITTER

Kerby Anderson I recently read an op-ed in The Hill (a political website covering Congress) with the dramatic title: “Congress is set to expose what may be the largest censorship system in U.S. history.” I assumed it was a bit of exaggeration from a Republican member of Congress. But then I saw that it was written by Jonathan Turley, George Washington law professor, who is hardly a Republican supporter and not given to hyperbole. He was talking about the House…

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February 24, 2023
Counselor Jamie Reed

Penna Dexter There’s been much written lately about Jamie Reed’s piece for the online publication, The Free Press. Ms. Reed, who describes herself as “a queer woman, politically to the left of Bernie Sanders, now married to a transman,” worked for four years as a case manager at Washington University Transgender Center at the St. Louis Children’s Hospital. She left last November because she had come to believe that the treatment patients are receiving at her clinic and others is…

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February 24, 2023
Social Security - danger third rail

Kerby Anderson Today I want to talk about a subject that apparently both parties would rather not discuss. That’s entitlement spending. Rarely do voters want to talk about it either. In fact, whenever I do talk about it, I usually get a call from some listener who objects to calling Medicare and Social Security as “entitlement” spending. I explain that this is what the government calls it, so we must use accurate terms. Medicare is the federal health-insurance program for…

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February 23, 2023
Trans-gender teens near Westminster England

Kerby Anderson As we are learning more about transgenderism, the psychological conclusions validate some of the perspectives from authors I have mentioned in this commentary. Dr. Ryan Anderson wrote his book, When Harry Became Sally, to provide some perspective on the scientific, medical, and legal debates. Abigail Shrier’s book Irreversible Damage: The Transgender Craze Seducing Our Daughters, warned that young women identifying as transgender were likely doing so because of social contagion. She focused part of her book on the…

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February 22, 2023
masked grade school children in uniforms

Kerby Anderson Apologies are important, especially when wrong actions hurt another person. That is why Kevin Bass, an MD/PhD medical student wrote an op-ed in Newsweek with the title: “It’s Time for the Scientific Community to Admit We Were Wrong About COVID, and It Cost Lives.” He supported authorities who called for lockdowns, vaccines, and boosters. But he admitted that “we in the scientific community were wrong.” He says part of the problem was the fact that: “We made science…

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February 21, 2023
Protesters - Police = Terrorists Tyre Nichols

Kerby Anderson “To know only one country is to know none.” That insight by Seymour Martin Lipset is so important that Jonah Goldberg believes it should be pounded into the heads of every high school student. He suggests that: “Whenever you hear people talk about America as uniquely or exceptionally flawed—or superior—the first question you should ask is, “compared to whom?” He provides several examples. Yes, America has a murder problem. But it is worth putting that tragedy in perspective….

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February 20, 2023
group of college student in lecture room

Kerby Anderson Nearly every controversy in the field of public education goes like this. An elite group of educators put together a radical curriculum for the students. Then other educators, politicians, or the public find out about it and ask for changes. Immediately the educational establishment claims that people with no understanding of education are censoring them. Then the establishment media begin to broadcast and publish stories about censorship in America. The latest example has been the College Board advanced…

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February 17, 2023
Pro-abortion anti-life protests at SCOTUS

Penna Dexter Lamenting the rise of censorship and speech controls, prominent First Amendment attorney and law school professor Jonathan Turley writes: “That alarming trend is no more evident than lawyers saying they “cannot breathe” in the presence of the exercise of free speech.” He points to the story of Robin Keller, an attorney with a distinguished career spanning 44 years, a partner at the global law firm, Hogan Lovells. Ms. Keller’s opinion piece, titled, “No Dissent on Abortion Allowed at…

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