Recent Viewpoints

March 22, 2023
Matt Taibbi testifies before congress

Kerby Anderson In years past when I would speak on a university campus, I expected to encounter antagonism and a contemptuous attitude. Even though my advanced degrees were often superior to those of the hostile faculty and students, they would often be dismissive of my academic credentials. That is what I came to expect. But that is not what liberals expected and are now facing on a regular basis. Jon Stewart (former host of the Daily Show) recently reflected on…

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March 21, 2023
Chinese Guards in front of Whuhan Lab

Kerby Anderson Three years ago, when we were dealing with a pandemic that started with a virus first discovered in China, the idea of a lab leak made sense. Was it just a coincidence that this coronavirus was discovered in the same location as the Wuhan Institute of Virology? As time went on, no scientist found this specific virus in any other animal host. The “wet market” theory made little sense and turned out to be all wet. And molecular…

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March 20, 2023
Budget of the US Govt

Kerby Anderson A week ago, President Biden rolled out his budget plan. Normally, I wouldn’t talk about it since it has no chance of passage. A similar plan he submitted in the past when Democrats controlled both the House and Senate didn’t pass. There is no chance it will be approved now that Republicans control the House of Representatives. But I want to use his budget proposal to illustrate some important lessons about taxes and income. Just look at the…

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March 17, 2023
Walter Wendler, President of West Texas A and M University

Penna Dexter Over decades, Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion — D.E.I. — has gained a foothold in higher education. It enshrines gender and identity politics and encourages non-white students to see themselves as victims. One university president explains this march to the left, stating: “Universities have drifted away from ideas to ideology.” Walter Wendler is President of West Texas A&M University, located in the Texas panhandle where most citizens are involved in producing food and fuel. Dr. Wendler says they want their university to graduate students capable…

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March 17, 2023
decreasing value of a dollar

Kerby Anderson A month ago, I talked about the dollar’s loss of value. In the printed copy of my commentary, we provided a chart that showed the decline in the value of our money. This illustrated the US dollar is like a melting ice cube. One illustration I have used is the cost of gold. When the Federal Reserve began in 1913, gold sold for $20 an ounce. By 2020, gold was selling for $2,000 an ounce (gold currently sells…

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March 16, 2023
Transgender protesters outside Downing Street, London

Kerby Anderson Transgender activists and their allies have been promoting gender ideology for years. Madeleine Kearns recently posted an op-ed “Busting Five Myths of Gender Ideology.” Myth 1: We all have a gender identity. This theory created by leftist activists denies the reality of binary sex. Instead, we supposedly have a gender identity distinct from sex and capable of overriding it. Myth 2: Puberty blockers are safe and fully reversible. The website for Britain’s National Health Service changed its statements…

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March 15, 2023
Central bank digital currencies-CBDC

Kerby Anderson Central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) are coming. China already has a large-scale trial of their digital currency. European officials want to launch a digital euro in less than two years. And President Biden signed an executive order encouraging the Federal Reserve to study its feasibility. Two years ago, I wrote about the prospect of digital currencies because Chuck Bentley wrote about it in his book, Seven Gray Swans. He expressed the concern that moving to a cashless society…

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March 14, 2023
Roald Dahl's books

Kerby Anderson Let me start with my conclusion. Don’t rewrite books. Lest you think this is a non-issue, just consider what has already happened to children’s classics written by Roald Dahl. The publisher has been encouraging the rewriting of books like Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and Fantastic Mr. Fox. Lest you think that this is a one-off, I have read that the James Bond books of Ian Fleming are being altered and even include a disclaimer. I mentioned that the…

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March 13, 2023
Tax Form 1040

Kerby Anderson It has been said that “taxation is the art of plucking the goose without making it squeal.” To pay for massive new government spending, politicians are devising new ways to get more golden eggs from the goose. That is why President Biden is lobbying for tax increases, so everyone pays their “fair share.” Rarely do politicians explain what the phrase “fair share” means, but you can be sure they mean that the tax rate needs to go up….

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March 10, 2023
Chloe Cole - detransition

Penna Dexter There are about 100 pediatric gender clinics in the U.S. doing irreversible surgeries on youngsters that more than a few come to regret. One such person is Chloe Cole, age 18. I heard her story in a breakout session at a conference put on by the Texas Public Policy Foundation. Chloe told us she began experiencing emotional struggles she believes were partially due to early puberty. Online, she found “expert advice” leading her to question her “gender assigned…

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March 10, 2023
spy balloon

Kerby Anderson Over the last month, we have been talking about China. When talking about China, we usually talk about its strengths and technological developments. But there is another side to intelligence gathering illustrated by a speech given by Herbert Meyer, who served as a special assistant to the Director of Central Intelligence. He explained, “From the end of World War II until 1982, every president’s objective had been not to lose the Cold War.” When President Ronald Reagan came…

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