Penna Dexter Jim Obergefell lost his race for the Ohio House of Representatives by 23 points. He was the plaintiff in the landmark 2015 Obergefell v. Hodges case in which the US Supreme Court redefined marriage to include same-sex couples. Mr. Obergefell raised twice as much money as his opponent, pro-life and socially conservative incumbent, D. J. Swearingen. Most of Mr. Obergefell’s support came from outside his district. He was endorsed by the Human Rights Campaign, Pro-choice America, and a…
Recent Viewpoints
Kerby Anderson Senator Daniel Patrick Moynihan may be best known for a seminal essay he wrote three decades ago. The Democratic Senator from New York said that the country back then was Defining Deviancy Down. His concern was that deviant behavior had become so pervasive even in the 1980s and 1990s that commentators were beginning to redefine it to cope with it. He began by acknowledging that there was “always a certain amount of deviancy in society. But when you…
Kerby Anderson Should there be an investigation of the Justice Department? Senator Ted Cruz makes the case for an investigation in his book, Justice Corrupted: How the Left Weaponized Our Legal System. Lawyer Harmeet Dhillon also makes the case in her recent Hillsdale speech on “The Politicization of the Department of Justice.” Senator Cruz argues that the left has corrupted the US legal system. Liberal judges and prosecutors wield the law as a weapon. Be afraid if you stand in…
Kerby Anderson Two years ago, I wrote of Dr. Robert Epstein and his research that showed how Google affected the outcome of the 2016 and 2020 elections in favor of Democrats. He has served in various editorial positions at Psychology Today and Scientific American MIND. Although he is a Democratic voter, he is honest enough with his research to show that the tech giant “has its digital thumb on the scale.” He warned that the power big tech has “never…
Kerby Anderson Victor Davis Hanson argues that “once the Left took the presidency, the House, and the Senate, they tried a deadly experiment on the American people.” The election last week changed the future direction of Congress, but the president and his cabinet are still responsible for foreign policy, military policy, and national security. He reminds us that the president and his military advisers are “quiet about the depletion of its critical stocks of weaponry.” The government has sent billions…
Kerby Anderson The US inflation rate is the highest it has been in four decades. Unfortunately, inflation is often a hidden tax that is difficult for the average consumer to perceive. They know prices are going up, but they don’t have an accurate measure of how it is affecting them and their families. Seamus Brennan found a way to put the last decade into some perspective by using the concept of a pay raise and a pay cut. Under President…
Penna Dexter Former President Obama recently told an audience at a pre-election rally in Arizona that democracy “may not survive” the midterms. This was a sort of closing argument to Democrat voters. It affirmed warnings, issued by other politicians, that “democracy is on the ballot.” In her column, the Wall Street Journal’s Kim Strassel counts four cycles of “histrionic claims of external threats, internal menace and political demise.” Donald Trump has been the Left’s foil. But this time, he was…
Kerby Anderson This is a commentary that probably wouldn’t have been necessary in the past. But these are unusual times. To put it simply, climate activists have decided that the best way to make their case is to deface the great masterpieces of Western art. Splattering tomato soup or gluing their hands to great paintings does not seem to me to be a very effective way to advance your climate agenda. Irresponsible and even childish are some words to describe…
Kerby Anderson Scott Powell argues: “One explanation for why America is in such rapid decline with the woke normalization of censorship, cancel culture, division, unequal justice, and depravity is found in the theory of elite capture.” That may be a new term for you, so let me explain. Elite capture was first developed and mastered by the Chinese communists in their own country. They are using elite capture to intimidate major companies in this country. Fifty years ago, President Nixon…
Kerby Anderson Now that the 2022 election is over, it is time to begin to apply the lessons from the last two elections to the 2024 election. We have some work to do before the American people will feel confident about our elections. I was surprised at a recent Rasmussen poll that found a majority (55%) of Americans answered “likely” to the question: How likely is it that cheating affected the outcome of the 2020 presidential election? In fact, a…
Kerby Anderson Today is election day. At stake are 435 seats in the House of Representatives and 35 seats in the US Senate. Alongside those elections for national office are thousands of elections for state and local offices. That includes 36 governorships. By tonight, we should know which party will control the US House and the US Senate, though there is always the possibility that the election might go to overtime because our elections these days have been so close….