Kerby Anderson Theologian Keith Mathison recently decided to delete his Facebook account. Years ago, he deleted his Twitter account. While there is nothing unusual about what he did, I appreciated his blog post that provided a thoughtful explanation for why he did. He talked about a phenomenon he called a “Jekyll & Hyde Effect” and then apologized if someone else already coined this term for this phenomenon. He said he hadn’t seen it used anywhere else. But he also acknowledged…

Recent Viewpoints
Kerby Anderson Stephen McBride is predicting the end of college as we know it. The key to his prediction is the last four words: as we know it. The prestigious universities will survive because they will always attract elite students and command huge tuitions. But what about the rest of the colleges that seem bent on teaching classes online? Cost will be a big issue. He reminds us that as recently as 1980, you could get a four-year bachelor’s degree…
Kerby Anderson It should be obvious to just about anyone with a bit of common sense that the “cancel culture” has gone off the deep end. I have talked about J.K. Rowling, writer of the Harry Potter series, who has been attacked for saying things that are biologically true but contrary to the latest politically correct transgender ideology. Then there is the communications director of Boeing who was forced to resign because of an article he wrote a third of…
Kerby Anderson How should the academic world respond when a research study published in a peer-reviewed journal comes to a conclusion you wouldn’t expect? In the past, some might have challenged the methodology or even considered doing a second study to see if the conclusions could be replicated. The latest tactic is to bring pressure on the researchers and their universities so they will disavow their own study. That is what happened to professors at Michigan State University and the…
Penna Dexter A blogger named Robyn Openshaw — a.k.a. GreenSmoothieGirl — wrote a post that will tug at the heartstrings of any parent who has been shocked when made aware of their child’s rejection of carefully-taught, seemingly-traditional values. She writes: “I wish I had figured it out sooner: the worst mistake we ever made was delegating the education of our kids to the state.” Robyn’s youngest son, age 22, recently informed her of his realization that the founders of our…
Kerby Anderson In previous commentaries, I have quoted Michael Shellenberger and his book, Apocalypse Never, which deals with environmental issues. But his latest book documents the problem of homelessness in one city. The title is: San Fransicko: Why Progressives Ruin Cities. He documents various reasons why the homeless problem has become worse. Limited housing has been one reason. Expensive housing and warmer climates explain why the homeless can be found in California, Florida, and Hawaii. Not only is the climate…
Kerby Anderson The English language is changing rapidly because progressives have been giving new definitions to words and phrases. Apparently, we can’t even define what a woman is, what a recession is, or what free speech entails. The latest redefinition is the word “freedom,” courtesy of California Governor Gavin Newsom. As part of what may be a run-up to a presidential bid, the governor began an ad campaign in Florida boasting that California is America’s true “free state.” Most of…
Kerby Anderson Politicians and pundits are starting to take a closer look at ESG, which is a system that evaluates companies and countries with an index of Environmental, Social, and Governance concerns. For example, Senator Tom Cotton has been speaking about his concerns with how the system is deployed. Andy Kessler, writing in the Wall Street Journal, argues that ESG is a loser and that you pay higher expenses for a fund with similar stocks but worse performance. In fact,…
Kerby Anderson Rich Lowry argues that “the climate-obsessed green movement is the most stupidly self-destructive force in the world today, leaving a trail of irrationality and folly wherever it goes.” He points to the collapse of Sri Lanka. But he could use other countries as examples of what happens when destructive green policies are adopted by a country’s leaders. He laments that proponents of the green agenda “seek to throw the gears into reverse on the millennia-long human quest for…
Kerby Anderson Seven years ago, the Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, struck down laws mandating traditional marriage. We were told at the time, that the decision was settled even though it was enacted by the slimmest of margins. But last month, Democrats in the House of Representatives pushed through legislation, deceptively labeled the “Respect for Marriage Act.” It was intended to codify into law the Supreme Court decision. This would be an unnecessary protection. But the bill’s sponsors point…
Penna Dexter Not that long ago, majorities in both political parties believed that marriage was the union of one man and one woman. In 1996, when Congress passed DOMA, the Defense of Marriage Act, only one Republican voted against it. In 2013, the Supreme Court, in its Windsor decision, struck down DOMA’s definition of marriage. And in 2015, in Obergefell v. Hodges, the Court ruled that states must recognize same-sex marriages performed in other states. The 5-4 Obergefell decision not…