Kerby Anderson There are many insights to glean from the latest controversy concerning the Disney Corporation. One of the most significant is how a woke corporation manages to portray itself as a victim the moment public opinion turns against them. Ben Shapiro argues in a recent column that “The Left is the Culture War Aggressor.” He reminds us that much of the firestorm surfaced when Disney criticized “Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill, which protects small children from indoctrination on…
Recent Viewpoints
Kerby Anderson A few weeks ago, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention issued a warning about the mental health of adolescents. More than 4 in 10 teens reported they felt “persistently sad or hopeless.” A significant percentage of teenagers said they had contemplated suicide. The deputy director of the CDC explained that their survey was a cry for help. “The COVID-19 pandemic has created traumatic stressors that have the potential to further erode students’ mental well-being.” I would add,…
Kerby Anderson As President Joe Biden was leaving the NATO summit in Europe, he talked about his belief that the US should lead in this “new world order.” No one in the administration felt that this remarkable comment should be “cleaned up” or “clarified” or “corrected.” Fortunately, Colonel Oliver North felt it was worthy of some comments. The idea of a new world order goes back to the 1940s when H.G. Wells published his nonfiction book on, The New World…
Kerby Anderson Russia’s war on Ukraine has not only devastated that country but it has also changed the world. Former Assistant Secretary of State John Hillen documents eight ways the war has changed the world. Here are a few of them. First, it is likely China may be discouraged rather than encouraged with its own territorial ambitions. Russia was likely surprised at both the military resistance of Ukraine and the unprecedented level of sanctions placed on it. China is taking…
Penna Dexter The White House has announced a sixth extension in the Covid-inspired pause on federal student loan payments — this time through August. The Wall Street Journal calls this “cancelling student debt on the installment plan.” The Journal wonders why, with the rest of the country returning to normal, student borrowers can’t start making their loan payments. Progressives are pushing the administration to forgive at least $50,000 per borrower. “Could it be teeing up even more sweeping loan forgiveness?”…
Kerby Anderson Today is Earth Day which is a day set aside to focus on our environmental challenges. Unfortunately, the environmental movement has a problem. Years of telling all of us that we are headed for an environmental apocalypse have affected the public’s perceptions. Climate activists used to say their biggest challenge was climate denialism. Now, many are talking about climate doomism. It’s a feeling, especially among young people, that there is nothing we can do to save the environment….
Kerby Anderson Students fell behind in their schoolwork during the pandemic because of the limitations of online learning. But instead of working to remediate students, some school districts implemented social-emotional learning. It did not help. Instead, it hurt students and provided another forum for teachers to push radical ideologies in the classroom. Many parents have embraced the fight against critical race theory and other radical programs. But it isn’t as easy to identify the threats coming from programs that are…
Kerby Anderson When you say the word “invasion,” you will likely think of the invasion of Ukraine by the Russian army. But Graham Cunningham talks about another invasion. That would be the “Invasion of the Virtue Signalers.” The group he talks about goes by various names. They might be called “social justice warriors” or “virtue-signaling liberals” or merely called “the woke.” Whatever name you give to these groups, they have been successful in influencing nearly every institution in America and…
Kerby Anderson Two years ago, I did a commentary on how progressive activists were using the “cancel culture” to destroy the lives of individuals and drive small businesses into bankruptcy. One of the examples I cited was the plight of Gibson’s bakery. Although it has taken years, the bakery has finally won. The Ninth District Court of Appeals ruled unanimously in favor of the bakery that accused Oberlin College of damaging its business and libeling it with false accusations of…
Kerby Anderson Today your income taxes are due. Of course, those are just some of the taxes you pay each year. This increasing list of taxes we pay are why Kevin Williamson argues that “We Have Enough Taxes.” He wrote his column because President Biden has been proposing a “billionaires’ tax” that would essentially tax imaginary income. You pay capital gains taxes on income you receive. You don’t pay taxes on assets that increase in value that you have not…
Penna Dexter The last day of March this year was deemed the International Transgender Day of Visibility. We didn’t need such a designation to help us notice the trans issue. The news is saturated with it. That day, the White House made an announcement that should have surprised no one. Regarding children who may “want to be transgender,” Joe Biden made a promise. He said, “I will flat out just change the law…..[E]liminate executive orders…” Conservatives warned this signaled taxpayer-funded…